King + Queen vs King + Rook
[Event "EndGames"] [Site ""] [Date "2015.01.04"] [Round "0"] [White "King + Queen"] [Black "King + Rook"] [FEN "8/8/8/4kr2/8/8/8/3QK3 w - - 0 1"] 1.Ke2 Rf4 2.Qd8 Rf6 { If } (2...Re4+ 3.Kd3 { anothr check...rook is gone! } Rf4 4.Qe7+ Kf5 5.Ke3 { check..from the rook.. } Rg4 6.Qf7+ Kg5 7.Kf3 Rh4 8.Qe7+ Kh5 9.Qd8 Rh3+ 10.Kf4 Kg6 (10...Rh4+ 11.Kf5 { Black faces checkmate or loss of rook next move... }) 11.Qd6+ Kh5 12.Qe5+ Kg6 13.Qe6+ { fork } Kh5 14.Qxh3+ { winning }) 3.Ke3 Rd6 4.Qg5+ Ke6 5.Ke4 { pushing the king to the edge of the board } Kd7 6.Qb5+ Kc7 7.Ke5 { attacking the rook } Rb6 8.Qc5+ Rc6 9.Qe7+ Kb6 10.Kd5 { attacking the rook } Rc7 11.Qb4+ Ka6 { nearly there...but the king is still close to the rook..and can offer protection } 12.Kd6 { attacking the rook } Rb7 13.Qa4+ Kb6 14.Qa8 { such a quiet move! The Black king can not move.. } Rh7 { If } (14...Rg7 15.Qc6+ Ka7 16.Qe4 { quiet move } (16.Qa4+ Kb8 17.Qb4+ Rb7 18.Qe4 Rb6+ 19.Kd7 Rb7+ 20.Kc6 Ka8 21.Qd5 Ka7 22.Qd8 Ka6 23.Qc8 { pinning and winning }) 16...Rg3 (16...Kb8 17.Kc6 Rb7 18.Qe8+ Ka7 19.Qd8 Rh7 20.Qa5+ Kb8 21.Qe5+ Ka7 22.Qa1+ Kb8 23.Qb1+ { fork.. }) 17.Kd5 Kb7 18.Qb4+ Ka8 19.Qa4+ Kb7 20.Qc6+ Ka7 21.Qc7+ { forking and winning the rook }) (14...Rf7 15.Qc6+ Ka7 16.Qa4+ Kb6 17.Qb3+ Ka5 18.Qxf7 { forking and winning the rook }) (14...Ra7 15.Qc6+ Ka5 16.Kc5 { threatening mate with the queen } Rc7 { distraction } 17.Qxc7+ Ka4 18.Qg3 Ka5 19.Qa3#) 15.Qc6+ Ka5 (15...Ka7 16.Qe4 { attacking the rook } Rb7 17.Kc6 { attacking the rook } Kb8 18.Qe8+ Ka7 19.Qd8 Rh7 20.Qa5+ Kb8 21.Qe5+ Ka7 22.Qa1+ Kb8 23.Qb1+ { fork }) 16.Qd5+ Kb6 17.Qb3+ Ka5 18.Qa2+ { Does not matter where the Black King goes now on the 'b' file(..It could be black square as well!! ...) the rook will be gone! } Kb4 19.Qb1+ { fork!!..While acting as a rook, the queen gives a check to the Black king and at the same time, acting as a Bishop, she attacks the Black Rook sitting on the other corner. } Kc3 20.Qxh7 { forking and winning the rook. What is the moral of the story? If you are down with material finish off opponent's pawns even if it has to be a rook vs queen ending. When put under pressure with the clock ticking over and exhausting the 50 moves, your human opponent is most likely to falter. You do not have to resign and may get away with a draw! Be prepared that your opponent might do this to you! Studying like this will make it look easy and hence it is a good idea to test your skills, playing similar positions, with stronger opponents with clock. } *
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WhiteKing + Queen
BlackKing + Rook
DateJanuary 04, 2015