King + Pawn vs King
[Event "EndGames"] [Site ""] [Date "2015.01.04"] [Round "0"] [White "King + Pawn"] [Black "King"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [FEN "4k3/8/8/8/8/7P/8/4K3 w - - 0 1"] 1.Kf2 Kd7 (1...Kf7 2.Kg3 Kg7 3.Kg4 Kh8 4.Kg5 Kg8 5.h4 Kh8 6.h5 Kg8 7.h6 Kh8 8.Kf6 Kg8 9.Kg6 Kh8 { If it is not a rook pawn, Black has lost this position....but... } 10.h7 { If } (10.Kh5 Kg8 11.Kg6 Kh8 12.Kf6 Kg8 13.Kg6 { draw!! threefold repetition! Now, Black is happy, because all that he had to do, is to repeat the same moves leaving the deep thinking to White... })) 2.Kg3 Kd6 3.Kg4 Kd7 4.Kg5 Ke7 { turning back to take control of promoting square! } 5.Kg6 Kf8 6.h4 { If } (6.Kh7 Kf7 { If } (6...Ke7 7.Kg7 { making way for promoting the pawn! } Kd6 8.h4 Ke5 9.h5 { The pawn queens and wins! })) 6...Kg8 7.h5 Kh8 8.h6 { If } (8.Kg5 Kg8 9.Kh6 Kf7 { Black can afford to leave control of the promoting square! } 10.Kh7 Kf8 11.h6 Kf7 12.Kh8 Kf8 { heading for a stalemate or a three move repetition! In both case, it is a draw! }) 8...Kg8 { With White to move, it could be a draw, even in case of other pawns! So.... } 9.h7+ { If } (9.Kf6 { Trying to confuse Black! } Kh8 { Black can afford to fall for it! } 10.Kg5 { What is White doing? } Kg8 { Black did not really care! } 11.Kg6 { White successfully applied his endgame knowkedge(?) and used a technique called triangulation to gain opposition! But, it does not work here! } Kh8 12.h7 { Stalemate and draw! If it is not a rook pawn, the trick would have worked! How? }) 9...Kh8 { If } (9...Kf8 10.h8=Q+ { And wins! }) 10.Kh6 { Stalemate and draw!! Any other move would have lost the pawn and that will be draw due to insufficient material. What is the moral of the story? If at all you need to hand out an advantage of a pawn to your opponent, let it be a rook pawn within your King's reach! Rest assured! It will be a draw! But why a rook pawn can only obtain a draw while other pawns can win? Set up the position and play several games against strong opponents and play against yourself until convinced. You will never forget this! When you find out exactly 'why?' , please email chesskit and we will publish your name alongwith this position. } {#d} 1/2-1/2
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WhiteKing + Pawn
DateJanuary 04, 2015