Nimzowitsch vs Marshall
[Event "Bad Kissingen"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Nimzowitsch"] [Black "Marshall"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A50"] [Opening "Indian: Queen's Indian Accelerated"] {21. MARSHALL (1877-1945) The name of Marshall is inseparbly linked with the idea of attack - just like those of Anderssen and Spielmann. Marshall was a great tactician, and not usually over concerned about strategic niceties; a common circumstance with "natural" players. Sometimes his insistence on forcing an attacking position was his downfall. The public found his style attactive, if a little naive. He knew little about theory, and was weak from the point of view of technique. Yet, in spite of all this, his enterprising methods and the shrewdness of his ideas made him a dangerous opponent for anyone.} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 b6 3. Nc3 Bb7 4. Bg5 e6 5. Qc2 h6 6. Bh4 Be7 7. e4 O-O 8. e5 (8. Bd3 Nc6) (8. f3) (8. Nf3) 8... Nd5 $1 9. Bg3 (9. Bxe7) 9... Nb4 10. Qb3 d5 11. exd6 Bxd6 12. O-O-O {Here the White King soond finds himself in the crossfire of Black's pieces; but the weakness on his d4 leaves him little choice} 12... N8c6 13. Bxd6 Qxd6 14. a3 Nxd4 $1 { Marshall reveled in this sort of position} 15. Rxd4 (15. Qxb4 c5 16. Qa4 Bc6 17. Qa6 (17. Nb5 Qf4+ 18. Kb1 Nxb5) 17... Qf4+ 18. Kb1 Qxf2 $19 { a quick win for Black}) 15... Qxd4 16. axb4 Qxf2 17. Qd1 Rfd8 18. Qe2 Qf4+ 19. Kc2 a5 $1 {Mobilizing the Ra8} 20. bxa5 (20. b5 a4) 20... Rxa5 21. Nf3 Ra1 22. Kb3 b5 {The White King's wall of pawns is being annihilated} 23. Qe5 (23. cxb5 Bd5+ 24. Nxd5 Qa4+ 25. Kc3 Rxd5) (23. Nxb5 Be4 24. -- c6) 23... bxc4+ 24. Kb4 Qc1 25. Nb5 c5+ {Closing the mating net} 26. Qxc5 Qxb2+ 27. Kxc4 Ra4+ 0-1
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OpeningA50 — Indian: Queen's Indian Accelerated
TournamentBad Kissingen