Morphy vs Carr
Blindfold Game | ?
[Event "Blindfold Game"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Morphy"] [Black "Carr"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "King's Pawn"] 1. e4 h6 2. d4 a5 {A time-honored strategy when playing against a blindfolded opponent is to adopt an obscure, and often bad, opening, in the hope of creating confusion. It is a bad idea, and rarely works!} 3. Bd3 b6 4. Ne2 e6 5. O-O Ba6 6. c4 Nf6 7. e5 Nh7 8. f4 {White has superior development and complete domination of the center. Morphy hardly seems to be confused by his opponent's ridiculous opening strategy.} 8... Be7 9. Ng3 d5 10. Qg4 O-O { This is knows as "castling into it".} 11. Nh5 {Suppose Black plays 11... g6 here. How could you bring the game to a rapid close.} 11... g5 { Black has little choice but to create this major weakness on the kingside.} 12. fxg5 hxg5 13. Bxh7+ Kh8 { 13...Kxh7 14.Nf6+ Bxf6 15.Rxf6 and checkmate will follow shortly.} 14. Nf6 dxc4 15. Bc2 {Everyone at Electronic Arts hopes that you will never, ever, be in such dire straits as Black is here, even if your opponent is blindfolded! Black now uses a combination to exchange queens, but loses material.} 15... Qxd4+ 16. Qxd4 Bc5 17. Qxc5 bxc5 18. Bxg5 {Black's position cannot be said to be much improved. Fortunately, Morphy does not allow Mr. Carr to live long enough to suffer greatly.} 18... Nc6 19. Rf3 Kg7 { Now Morphy forces checkmate in 6 moves.} 20. Bh6+ Kxh6 21. Rh3+ Kg5 22. Rh5+ Kf4 23. Kf2 Rg8 24. g3+ Rxg3 25. hxg3# 1-0
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