Euwe vs Kramer
[Event "Holland Championship"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Euwe"] [Black "Kramer"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E33"] [Opening "Nimzo-Indian: Classical, 4...Nc6"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Bb4 { With his third move Black enters the Nimzoindian defense.} 4. Qc2 {Played with the idea of stopping the doubling of his c-pawns in view of Black's threat Bxc3+ which now can be answered by recapturing with the queen.} 4... Nc6 5. Nf3 d6 6. Bd2 O-O 7. a3 Bxc3 8. Bxc3 Re8 {8...a5, with the idea of hampering White's queenside play, would be met with 9.e4 when White has a slight pull due to his space advantage.} 9. b4 e5 10. dxe5 Nxe5 11. e3 Bg4 {11...Nxf3+ 12. gxf3 when White has good chances of a kingside attack with the open g-file and two bishops.} 12. Nxe5 dxe5 13. f3 Bh5 14. Be2 Bg6 {14...e4 15.f4 Bxe2 16.Qxe2 White's bishop dominates the a1-h8 diagonal, while, Black's knight has no central outpost.} 15. Qb2 Nd7 16. O-O f6 { Black plays to blunt White's battery on the a1-h8 diagonal.} 17. c5 Qe7 18. Rfd1 Red8 19. Be1 Nf8 {19...c6 20.Rd6 Nf8 21.Rad1 Rxd6 22.cxd6 Qd7 23.b5 would give White a powerful passed d-pawn.} 20. Rxd8 Rxd8 21. Qb3+ Kh8 {21...Bf7 stil l allows White to weaken the Black queenside pawns with 22.Qa4 a6 23.c6 Be8 24. Qb3+ Bf7 25.Qc2} 22. c6 {22.Qa4 With Black's king on h8 this would be a mistake because of a6 23.c6 Be8 when the c-pawn is pinned.} 22... bxc6 { 22...b6 23.Qa4 Ra8 24.Ba6 Be8 25.Bb7 White wins the a-pawn with 26.Qxa7.} 23. Qa4 {White will regain his pawn while keeping the better pawn structure.} 23... Bd3 24. Bxd3 Rxd3 25. Qxa7 Qd7 26. Kf2 h6 27. a4 {With White's queen out of play this is a mistake. 27.Qc5 bringing the queen back into play while clearing the a-file was better.} 27... Ne6 28. a5 Kh7 {28...c5 29.Qa8+ Kh7 30. Qe4+ Kh8 31.a6 when the a-pawn is well on the way to promotion.} 29. a6 c5 { A good move which cuts the White queen off from protecting the king.} 30. Qb7 Rxe3 31. a7 Qd4 {This is the wrong square for the queen. 31... Qd3 gaining control of the e2 square was correct.} 32. a8=Q Nf4 33. Kf1 Rxe1+ 34. Rxe1 Qd3+ 35. Kg1 {Black resigned.} 1-0
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OpeningE33 — Nimzo-Indian: Classical, 4...Nc6
TournamentHolland Championship