Belyavsky vs Kasparov
[Event "Moscow"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Belyavsky"] [Black "Kasparov"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E70"] [Opening "King's Indian: 4.e4 d6"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 O-O 6. Be3 Nc6 {This is the most hypermodern of the usual moves here. Recently I have come to enjoy playing 6... e5 as well.} 7. Qd2 a6 8. Nge2 Re8 {The normal 8...Rb8, aiming for a rapid advance of the b-pawn, is more principled, but I wanted to avoid the main lines of opening theory.} 9. Nc1 {9.h4 is sharper.} 9... e5 10. d5 Nd4 11. N1e2 {White wants to get rid of the Nd4 at all costs, but this is not the right square for the knight. 11.Nb3 would have been my choice.} 11... c5 12. dxc6 Nxc6 {See, I couldn't have done this if his knight were at b3 because then after 13.Rd1 Be6 his c-pawn would be defended by the bishop at c1.} 13. Nd5 { Here I thought for over an hour, a personal record at the time. Usually when I think for a long time, I tend to play the most aggressive line. Here it involves a sacrifice. 13.Rd1 Be6 14.Nc1 Rc8 15.Qxd6 Nd4 16.Qxd8 Rexd8 17.b3 b5 Black has an initiative on the queenside.} 13... b5 14. Bb6 Qd7 15. Nc7 Rb8 16. Nxe8 Qxe8 {Now it was Belyavsky's turn to think. There are a lot of complicated lines here, and it is not easy to find the best move for White. I think that capturing at b5 was the correct move.} 17. Be3 {Black may b e the exchange down, but I have an initiative due to the lack of development in White's camp. 17.cxb5 Rxb6 18.bxc6 d5 The game is opening up and I have pressure on the center, while White's king is stuck in the center.} 17... bxc4 18. Nc3 Be6 19. Be2 {19.Nd5 I would have many options here. One interesting variation entails yet another sacrifice.} 19... Nd5 20. exd5 e4 21. dxe6 Qxe6 { Here I would have just two pawns for a rook, but the rook sits idly at h1 while I am preparing to shove the pawns down White's throat!Nd4} 22. O-O d5 { exd5} 23. Nxd5 {Nxd5 Bxd5 Now I have one pawn for the exchange and much more active pieces, plus total control of the center. Rf2 23.f4 Nxe2+ 24.Qxe2 exf4 25.Rxf4 Rxb2} 23... h5 {Rc1 Qe6 Bf1} 24. h4 { Re1 Qc6 Nobody's perfect! I should have played 26...Nf5 here.} 24... Bh6 { Belyavsky could have escaped here, but missed his chance. One must take into account that he had only 4 minutes left for 14 moves! 27.f4 Nf5 28.fxe5 Nxe3 29.Rxe3 Bh6 30.e6 The key move in the variation. 30...Qc5 31.exf7+ Bxf7 32. Re8+ Rxe8 33.Qxh6 Re4 34.Qd2 This position should be drawn. Bh8 I needs to keep my pieces so that I can continue the attack.} 25. f4 { A mistake. 28.h3 is better. e4 Rd1 Be6} 25... f5 {30.Bg5 Nf5 Nxf5 Qf4 This sets a trap. What happens if I play 31...Rxb2? Do you see the refutation? Re8 31...Rxb2 32.Rd8+ Kh7 33.Rxh8+ Kxh8 34.Qe5+ Rfd2 Qc5+} 26. Kh1 {Be5 Qg5} 26... Kh7 {White could have resigned, but we each had less than a minute left, so we blitzed out a few more moves. Some of mine were less than optimal. Rd8 Rxd8 Rxd8 Qf2 I should have just taken the bishop with my knight. Rd1 Nxh6 That should have been played a move ago. Here I should have advanced the e- pawn instead. Qxe5 e3} 27. Qc3 {h3 Qe1 Ng4 Again, advancing the e-pawn another square was correct. But Belyavsky resigned anyway, since his game is lost.} 0-1
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OpeningE70 — King's Indian: 4.e4 d6