Evans vs Reshevsky
[Event "Havana"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Evans"] [Black "Reshevsky"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B70"] [Opening "Sicilian: Dragon"] {Black's chances in the Dragon Variation} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 g6 6. g3 Nc6 7. Bg2 Nxd4 8. Qxd4 Bg7 9. Be3 O-O 10. Qd2 Ng4 11. O-O Nxe3 12. Qxe3 Be6 {As usual, the exchange of two pairs of minor pieces benefits teh side with the less available space. Black now has no fear of any immediate Kingside attack, and can set about realizig his plans on the other wing} 13. Nd5 a5 $1 {The beginning of a Queenside attack which will make full use of the Black Bishop at g7} 14. c3 Rb8 15. Rad1 (15. Nb6 { delaying the coming assault}) 15... b5 16. f4 b4 17. cxb4 axb4 18. e5 { Closing the dangerous diagonal, and threatening to saddle Black with a weakpawn } 18... Kh8 $1 19. Kh1 Qd7 20. b3 Rfd8 21. Rd4 dxe5 22. fxe5 Qa7 23. Rxb4 $1 Qxa2 (23... Qxe3 24. Rxb8) 24. Rxb8 (24. Ra4 Qxb3 25. Qxb3 Rxb3 26. Nxe7 Bxe5 $2 27. Nc6) 24... Rxb8 25. Nxe7 Rxb3 26. Qd4 Bf8 27. Qh4 (27. Qd8 Kg7 28. Nf5+ Bxf5 29. Rxf5 $11) 27... Rb1 28. Qf6+ Bg7 29. Qf3 Rxf1+ 30. Qxf1 Bxe5 { Black has won a pawn, and this, added to the enormous power of his two bishops, is bound ot be decisive. The final technical phase was full ofinterest} 31. Nc6 Bc3 32. h3 Kg7 33. Qd3 Bf6 34. Kh2 Bc4 35. Qf3 Qc2 36. Nb4 Qd2 37. Nd5 Bd4 38. h4 Qe1 39. Nf4 Bg1+ 40. Kh3 Bb5 41. Qd5 Qe8 $1 42. g4 h5 43. Nxh5+ gxh5 44. Qg5+ Kf8 45. Qh6+ Ke7 46. Qxh5 Qb8 47. Qg5+ f6 48. Qg7+ Ke6 49. g5 Qh2+ 50. Kg4 Be2+ 51. Bf3 Qg2+ 0-1
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OpeningB70 — Sicilian: Dragon