Flohr vs Vidmar
K+R+6P vs K+R+6P | www.masterchessopen.com | 1 Jan 1936
[Event "K+R+6P vs K+R+6P"] [Site "www.masterchessopen.com"] [Date "1936.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Flohr"] [Black "Vidmar"] [Result "1-0"] [EventType "game"] [EventCountry "ENG"] [FEN "r7/7p/p1pk2p1/R2p1p2/1P1K4/P3PP2/6PP/8 w - - 0 1"] [ECO "B00"] [Opening "King's Pawn"] { In addition to activation and coordination, one of the most important techniques to understand is the creation of weaknesses in the opponent's pawn structure. Without such weaknesses there are no objects for attack. Very often, one weakness is not enough, because it is easily defended. In such cases, it is necessary to create another weakness, ideally on the flank opposite to where the opponent has concentrated his forces. The following two examples are instructive for this topic. White has a positional advantage but must find the correct plan for its realization. The following annotations are based on those of Alekhine. } 1.e4! { White profits by the fact that Black's rook is tied to defense of the a-pawn and is unable to threaten or defend on the kingside, forcing Black to weaken his position there in a decisive manner. What follows is a classic example of how to play such an endgame. } fxe4 2.fxe4 dxe4 3.Kxe4 Ra7 4.Kf4 h6 5.h4 Ke6 6.Kg4 Ra8 7.h5 g5 { If 7...gxh5, then 8. Kxh5 Rg8 9.g4 winning easily. } (7...gxh5+ 8.Kxh5 Rg8 9.g4 $19) 8.g3 Ra7 9.Kf3 Ra8 10.Ke4 Ra7 11.Kd4 { White could also play immediately 11.Re5. } Kd6 12.Ke4 Ke6 13.Re5+! { Forcing entrance either for the rook at e8 or the king at f5. } Kd6 14.Re8 c5 { Desperation! } 15.Rd8+ Kc6 { Or 15...Kc7 16.Rh8 cxb4 17. axb4 and wins. Averbakh shows an even more convincing variation: 17.Rh7+ Kb8 18.Rxa7 Kxa7 19.axb4 (transformation into a winning pawn endgame!) 19...Kb6 20. Kf5 Kb5 21.Kg6 Kxb4 22.Kxh6 a5 23.Kg6 a4 24.h6 etc. } (15...Kc7 16.Rh8 cxb4 17.axb4 $18 (17.Rh7+ Kb8 18.Rxa7 Kxa7 19.axb4 Kb6 20.Kf5 Kb5 21.Kg6 Kxb4 22.Kxh6 a5 23.Kg6 a4 24.h6 $18)) 16.Rc8+ Kb6 17.Rxc5 Rh7 18.Re5 Kc6 19.Re6+ Kb5 20.Kf5 Rf7+ 21.Rf6 {#r} 1-0
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