Rodney Jacobs (1659) vs Ben Naughton (1421)
BCC Championship | BCC | 16 Jun 2016 | Round 11
[Event "BCC Championship"] [Site "BCC"] [Date "2016.06.16"] [Round "11"] [White "Rodney Jacobs"] [Black "Ben Naughton"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1659"] [BlackElo "1421"] [ECO "C55"] [Opening "Two Knights: 4.d4"] 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d4 Nxe4 {ed is the usual move. (RJ)} 5.dxe5 Be7? {After the game Ben and I thought the best move here for Black was Nc5. In fact that is the most popular move on Chessbase and the move recommended by Stockfish 7. An alternative is d6, with the idea of meeting Qd5 with Be6.(RJ)} 6.Qd5 O-O 7.Qxe4 d6 8.O-O Be6 9.Bxe6 fxe6 10.Nc3 Rf5 11.exd6 Qxd6 12.Rd1 {#r} 1-0
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