Lasker vs Janowsky
[Event "New York"]
[Site "New York"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Lasker"]
[Black "Janowsky"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "3r4/1p3k2/p1p2b2/P2rpbpp/1PR2p2/2PP1P1P/1N1R1KPN/8 b - - 0 38"]
38... Rb5 $2 (38... Bxd3 39. Nxd3 Rxd3 40. Rxd3 Rxd3 41. Ke2 e4 42. Rxe4 Rxc3
{ Black has a sound extra pawn}) 39. Ke2 Rbd5 40. Kd1 Ke6 $2 (40... Bxd3 41.
Nxd3 Rxd3 42. Rxd3 Rxd3+ 43. Kc2 e4 44. fxe4 Rg3 $18) 41. Kc2 {White has now
protected the d-pawn, Black having refushed to capture it on two occasions.
The tournament book shows that he could have taken it on the first move} 1-0
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