Tal vs Podgayets
Soviet Championship | ?
[Event "Soviet Championship"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Tal"] [Black "Podgayets"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B02"] [Opening "Alekhine: Saemisch Attack, 3...Nxc3"] 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. Nc3 {Better is 3.d4, the normal move in this opening.} 3... Nxc3 4. bxc3 d6 {This pawn should have moved all the way to d5.} 5. f4 dxe5 6. fxe5 Qd5 {An unjustifiably early deployment of the queen. One would expect to see such moves in a game between beginners, but not in the Soviet Championship!} 7. d4 c5 8. Nf3 Nc6 9. Be2 Bg4 10. O-O {White has a large lead in development, and the semi-open f-file leads right to the must vulnerable point in Black's position.} 10... cxd4 { 10...e6 11.Ng5 Bxe2 12.Qxe2 cxd4 13.Nxf7} 11. cxd4 e6 12. Rb1 Qd7 { The b-pawn had to be defended.} 13. Ng5 Bxe2 14. Qxe2 Be7 {Black lays a cunning trap. White cannot take the pawn at f7. Do you see why not? 14...Qxd4+ 15.Be3 Qxe5 16.Nxf7 The rook at h8 and queen at e5 are forked.} 15. c3 { 15.Nxf7 O-O} 15... Bxg5 16. Bxg5 h6 {A natural move, but it proves to be a waste of time, since the bishop was headed to the queenside anyway, with a brief pit-stop back home.} 17. Bc1 Ne7 18. Qf3 Nd5 {18...O-O 19.Ba3} 19. c4 Nb6 20. c5 Nd5 {The pawn at c5 tightens the grip on the queenside. But the real point is to open up another line on the queenside while sealing off any potential counterplay on the c-file.} 21. c6 bxc6 22. Ba3 {Now everythi ng is in hand. Black desperately tries to wriggle out of the dangerous position to no avail.} 22... f5 23. exf6 gxf6 24. Rb3 Kd8 25. Rfb1 { The open file is put to good use!} 25... Rh7 26. Qg3 { The threats are 27.Qg8+ and 17.Rb8+.} 26... Nb6 { This closes the b-file, for a moment.} 27. Rxb6 { An effective sacrifice which brings the game to a quick conclusion.} 27... axb6 28. Qg8+ Qe8 {28...Kc7 29.Qxa8} 29. Qxh7 Rxa3 {Here Black resigned without waiting for Tal to reply, seeing that it was all over.} 30. Rxb6 Ra8 31. Rb7 Rc8 32. Qg7 {followed by Qxf6+.} 1-0
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