Tseshkovsky vs Kasparov
Soviet Union Championship | ?
[Event "Soviet Union Championship"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Tseshkovsky"] [Black "Kasparov"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B45"] [Opening "Sicilian: Taimanov, 5.Nc3"] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 { 5.Nb5 d6 6.c4 setting up a bind is also possible.} 5... d6 6. g3 {White intends to control the center by the fianchetto of his light squared bishop.} 6... Nf6 7. Bg2 Bd7 8. O-O Be7 9. a4 { Played to deter Black from expanding on the queenside with a6 and b5.} 9... O-O 10. Nce2 {Going backwards with his development cannot be recommended. Better was 10. Ndb5 Qb8 11.Be3 which leads to complicated play with chances for both sides.} 10... Rc8 11. c3 {11.Nb5 d5 12.exd5 Nxd5 is a little better for Black thanks to his lead in development.} 11... a6 { Played to prevent White from attacking the d-pawn with Nb5.} 12. h3 Qc7 13. g4 d5 {Following the advice of the old saying "an attack on the flank is best countered with an attack in the center".} 14. exd5 {14.Nxc6 Bxc6 15.e5 Ne4 16. f3 Nc5 17.f4 f6 is better for Black since White will be unable to hold onto the center.} 14... Nxd5 15. Bxd5 {Parting with the light squared bishop is suspicious. However, Black has a good game anyway.} 15... exd5 16. Nf4 Bc5 17. Nb3 {A mistake which fatally weakens the a7-g1 diagonal. Better was 17.Be3.} 17... Ba7 {Black sacrifices a pawn, since the a7-g1 diagonal is more important. } 18. Qxd5 Be6 19. Nxe6 fxe6 20. Qe4 { 20.Qxe6+ Kh8 21.Be3 Bb8 22.f4 Rce8 wins the bishop on e3.} 20... Rxf2 { Shattering White's kingside while setting up a deadly pin.} 21. Rxf2 Qg3+ 22. Qg2 {22.Kh1 Qxh3+ 23.Kg1 Bxf2+ 24.Kxf2 Rf8+ 25.Ke2 Qf1+ 26.Ke3 Qe1+ 27.Kd3 Rd8+ 28.Nd4 allows Black to win material.} 22... Bxf2+ {The point! White's queen is unable to capture the bishop thanks to the pin on the g-file.} 23. Kf1 {This move only hastens the end. Better was 23.Kh1.} 23... Qe5 24. Bf4 { 24.Kxf2 Rf8+ 25.Kg1 Qe1+ 26.Kh2 Rf2 pins the queen.} 24... Qxf4 25. Qxf2 Qc4+ { White resigned as he cannot save his knight on b3.} 0-1
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