Browne, Walter S (2575) vs Quinteros, Miguel A (2495)
[Event "Hoogovens"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee"]
[Round "14"]
[White "Browne, Walter S"]
[Black "Quinteros, Miguel A"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2575"]
[BlackElo "2495"]
[ECO "B52"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Moscow 3...Bd7"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5+ Bd7 4. Bxd7+ Qxd7 5. c4 Qg4 6. O-O Qxe4 7. d4 cxd4
8. Re1 Qc6 9. Nxd4 Qxc4 { This is a greedy capture. Black should get on with
developing some pieces} ( 9... Qd7 10. Nc3 Nc6 11. Bf4 e6 12. Ndb5 a6 13.
Nxd6+ Bxd6 14. Bxd6 Nge7 15. Na4 Rd8 16. c5 b5 17. Nb6 Qa7 18. a4 b4 19. Qf3
O-O 20. Rad1 h6 21. g4 Rfe8 22. Rd3 Qb7 23. Red1 Nc8 24. Nxc8 Qxc8 25. g5 hxg5
26. Qh5 g4 27. h3 g6 28. Qh6 e5 29. Rg3 Nd4 30. hxg4 Ne2+ 31. Kh2 Nxg3 32.
Kxg3 Rxd6 33. cxd6 Qc4 34. Rh1 Qd3+ 35. f3 {1-0 Klinova,M-Mashian,Y/Tel Aviv
1993/EXT 98 (35)}) 10. Na3 Qc8 11. Bf4 Qd7 {This is Black's 7th move with his
queen, while White has his 3 minor pieces all active, he's castled, and has
brought a rook to the e-file.} (11... e5 12. Nab5 Nc6 13. Nxc6 Qxc6 (13...
bxc6 14. Bxe5 cxb5 15. Bxg7+ Ne7 16. Bxh8 $18) 14. Qe2 Be7 15. Rac1 Qd7 16.
Nc7+ Kf8 17. Nxa8 exf4 18. Rc7 Qd8 19. Qc2 $18) 12. Nab5 e5 {Diagram #} 13.
Bxe5 $1 {An unexpected shock for Black. When the king is in the centre,
sacrifices are possible to attack and go for mate} 13... dxe5 14. Rxe5+ Be7
(14... Kd8 15. Qf3 Nf6 16. Rd1 Kc8 17. Nf5 Qc6 18. Nbd6+ Kc7 19. Rc5 Bxd6
(19... Qxc5 20. Qxb7+ Kd8 21. Nxf7+ Ke8 22. Rd8#) 20. Rxc6+ Nxc6 21. Nxd6 $18)
15. Rd5 Qc8 (15... Qxd5 16. Nc7+ Kf8 17. Nxd5 $18) 16. Nf5 {Diagram #
Threatening 17.Nbd6+ Bxd6 18.Nxd6 winning the queen} 16... Kf8 ( 16... Qc6 17.
Nxe7 Kxe7 18. Qe1+ Qe6 19. Qb4+ Kf6 20. Qh4+ g5 21. Qxg5#) 17. Nxe7 Kxe7
(17... Nxe7 18. Rd8+ Qxd8 19. Qxd8#) 18. Re5+ (18. Re5+ Kf8 (18... Kf6 19.
Qf3+ Kg6 (19... Kxe5 20. Re1#) 20. Qh5+ Kf6 21. Qg5#) (18... Qe6 19. Qd6+ Kf6
20. Rxe6+ fxe6 21. Re1 Kg6 22. Qd3+ Kf7 23. Nd6+ Ke7 24. Qd5 Nc6 25. Rxe6+ Kd7
26. Nb5+ Kc8 27. Re8+ Nd8 28. Rxd8#) 19. Qd6+ Ne7 20. Qxe7+ Kg8 21. Qe8+ Qxe8
22. Rxe8#) 1-0
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Players | |
White | Browne, Walter S (2575) |
Black | Quinteros, Miguel A (2495) |
Game | |
Moves | 18 |
Opening | B52 — Sicilian: Moscow 3...Bd7 |
Result | 1-0 |
Date | |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | Hoogovens |
Location | Wijk aan Zee |
Round | 14 |