Gligoric vs Klein
London | ?
[Event "London"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Gligoric"] [Black "Klein"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E90"] [Opening "King's Indian: 5.Nf3"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Nf3 O-O 6. Be2 Nbd7 7. O-O e5 8. Re1 Re8 9. Bf1 c6 10. d5 Nf8 $2 11. Bd2 h6 12. g3 Kh7 13. Nh4 Ng8 14. Qf3 c5 { At move 10 Black neglected to play ... Pc5 directly and follow up by working for ... Pf5 in the manner now familiar to us, by ... Rf8 and ... Ne8. The result is that White can now prevent ... Pf5, and so remain free toconcentrate on his own problem of how to open a file on the Queenside. It must be said, however, that the Black formation c5-d6-e5 is in itself some improvement on what we have seen hiterhto: c7-d6-e5. The base of this new chain, d6 is virtually impregnable, so that White can only strike at one of the heads, e5 or c5; and this, as we know, can lead him into difficulties} 15. a3 (15. Qxf7 $2 Nf6 {Queen would be lost}) 15... Re7 16. b4 b6 (16... cxb4 17. axb4 { There would be no way for Black to take advantage of the weakness of the White c-pawn}) 17. Rab1 Bd7 18. bxc5 bxc5 (18... dxc5 { positionally preferable but tactically unplayable} 19. d6 Re6 20. Qxf7 Rxd6 21. Nd5) 19. Qd3 Be8 20. Rb2 Rb8 21. Reb1 Rb6 (21... Rxb2 22. Rxb2 {White would have achieved his aim - mastery of the only open file. Rather than let this happen, Black accepts a weak b-pawn, and hopes for counterplay on the a-file}) 22. Rxb6 axb6 23. Qc2 Ra7 24. Qb3 Ra6 25. Nb5 Ne7 (25... Bxb5 26. cxb5 (26. Qxb5 Rxa3 27. Qxb6) 26... Ra7 27. a4) 26. Bh3 {An important intermezzo. By preventing ... Nc8, White practically forces his opponent to part with his good Bishop in exchange for White's bad one} 26... Bd7 27. Bxd7 Qxd7 28. Ng2 { There is no longer any need to prevent ... Pf5, for Black is now being kept too busy on the Queenside to think of transferring his forces to the Kingside. Under the present circumstances, the move ... Pf5 would be onlyaweakening} 28... Nc8 (28... f5 29. f3 g5 30. Ne3 f4 31. Nf5 $1) 29. Ne3 h5 30. Nd1 Bf6 31. Kg2 Kg7 32. Ne3 Nh7 33. h4 Kg8 34. a4 $1 {After some harmless shuffling, White hits on the right plan: The following breakthrough aims to get the b-file full open, so that his pieces can penetrate into the enemy lines} 34... Bg7 35. Nc3 Na7 {to prevent Qb5} (35... Ra5) 36. a5 $1 Nc8 { One last attempt to stem the invasion on the b-file} (36... Rxa5 37. Qxb6) ( 36... bxa5 37. Qb8+ Nc8 38. Rb7 $18) 37. Na4 $1 bxa5 38. Qb5 Qxb5 (38... Ra7 39. Qxd7 Rxd7 40. Rb8 Rd8 41. Nb6 $18) 39. cxb5 Ra7 40. b6 Nxb6 (40... Rb7 41. Nc4) 41. Rxb6 Bf8 42. Nc4 Nf6 43. f3 Nd7 44. Rc6 Kg7 45. Nxd6 Nb8 46. Nb5 Nxc6 47. dxc6 Ra8 48. c7 1-0
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