Lasker vs Capablanca
[Event "New"]
[Site "New"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Lasker"]
[Black "Capablanca"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "C62"]
[Opening "Spanish: Old Steinitz, 4.d4 Bd7"]
{A timely exchange} 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 d6 4. d4 Bd7 5. Nc3 Nf6 6. O-O
exd4 7. Nxd4 Be7 8. b3 Nxd4 9. Qxd4 Bxb5 10. Nxb5 Nd7 { Black hits the nail on
the head, he is going play ... Bf6} 11. Ba3 a6 (11... Bf6 12. Qc4 Bxa1 13.
Nxc7+) 12. Nc3 Bf6 13. Qe3 O-O 14. Rad1 Bxc3 $1 { just in time before White
played Nd5} 15. Qxc3 Re8 16. Rfe1 Rc8 17. Qh3 (17. Bb2 Qg5 18. f4 Qg4 19. Rd3
f6 {this gives White a new weakness on e4}) 17... Ne5 18. Bb2 Qg5 19. Qg3 (19.
Re3 Qg4 { Black's troubles are over, and his remaining pieces can move
freely}) 19... Qxg3 20. hxg3 f6 21. f3 Kf7 22. g4 h6 23. Re2 Nc6 24. Kf2 Re7
25. Bc3 a5 26. Rd5 b6 27. a4 Re6 28. Rd1 Rce8 29. Red2 Ke7 30. Ke3 Kd7 1/2-1/2
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Players | |
White | Lasker |
Black | Capablanca |
Game | |
Moves | 30 |
Opening | C62 — Spanish: Old Steinitz, 4.d4 Bd7 |
Result | ½-½ |
Date | |
Tags |
Tournament | |
Tournament | New |
Location | New |
Round | 2 |