Tarrasch vs Lasker
[Event "4th match game"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Tarrasch"]
[Black "Lasker"]
[Result "0-1"]
[FEN "r2q2k1/pppnrpp1/3p3p/1N6/4P3/2Q5/PPP2PPP/3RR1K1 b - - 0 1"]
{Lasker's famous Rook maneuver White's Nb5 attacks c7 and prepares Nd4-f5. It
will support a dangerous - possibly decisive - Kingside attack. Another
characteristic maneuver for White in such a position, would be to bring a Rook
into strong play along the third rank, but Lasker is one jump ahead} 1... Re5
$1 {Indirect defence of the c-pawn} 2. Nd4 (2. Nxc7 $2 Rc5 {fork}) (2. Qxc7
Qxc7 3. Nxc7 Rc8 {trapped piece}) 2... Rc5 3. Qb3 Nb6 4. f4 {Cutting off the
Rooks return to e5. It looks as though the Black Rook foray is going to be
provedpremature} 4... Qf6 5. Qf3 Re8 6. c3 a5 {Support for the Rook} 7. b3 a4
8. b4 Rc4 {Still deeper into the enemy lines} 9. g3 Rd8 {Preparing ... Pc5}
10. Re3 {Protecting the c-pawn so that the Knight can be dispatched on a Rook
hunt} 10... c5 11. Nb5 cxb4 12. Rxd6 {This is the combination which White had
hoped would refute the whole of Black's strategy} 12... Rxd6 13. e5 Rxf4 $1 {
The flaw in White's calculation} 14. gxf4 Qg6+ 15. Kh1 { Upset by the total
collapse of his plans, White now makes a serious blunder} ( 15. Kf1) 15...
Qb1+ 16. Kg2 Rd2+ 17. Re2 Qxa2 18. Rxd2 Qxd2+ 19. Kg3 a3 $1 0-1
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