Alexander vs Szabo
Hilversum | ?
[Event "Hilversum"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Alexander"] [Black "Szabo"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "r1bq1rk1/1p2bppp/p3p3/n3P3/4N3/1P1P1N2/PB4PP/R3QR1K w - - 0 1"] {A characteristic Knight sacrifice on f6} 1. Nf6+ gxf6 (1... Bxf6 2. exf6 gxf6 3. Qh4 e5 {Removing the guard} 4. Bxe5 fxe5 5. Ng5) (1... Kh8 2. Qe4 Bxf6 3. exf6 g6 4. Qh4 Rg8 5. Qh6 Qf8 6. Ng5 $1 {Thematic smothered mate position} 6... Qxh6 7. Nxf7#) 2. Qg3+ Kh8 3. exf6 Bxf6 4. Ne5 Bxe5 (4... -- 5. Rxf6 Qxf6 6. Nc4 {winning the Queen}) 5. Bxe5+ f6 6. Rxf6 {thematic pinning of the King} 6... Rxf6 7. Qg5 1-0
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