Mate in two vs White to move
Start Analysis Engine to see Solution No. 534 Tactic: Chess, Puzzels | | 1 Jul 2015
[Event "Start Analysis Engine to see Solution No. 534 Tactic: Chess, Puzzels"] [Site ""] [Date "2015.07.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Mate in two"] [Black "White to move"] [FEN "k7/p1Kppq1b/1p6/3PP3/1P6/2P1Q3/6R1/7r w - - 0 1"] 1.Qxb6 { threatening Qb7No. (No. 1) } 1...a5 ( 1...a6 ) ( 1...axb6 ) ( 1...d6 ) ( 1...e6 ) ( 1...Qxd5 ) *
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