Mate in three vs White to move
Start Analysis Engine to see Solution #4126 Chess: 5334 Problems, Combination | | 1 Jul 2017
[Event "Start Analysis Engine to see Solution #4126 Chess: 5334 Problems, Combination"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.07.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Mate in three"] [Black "White to move"] [FEN "Br1B1q2/4N2K/r3pP2/3p2p1/p2k4/NpR1RP2/6Pp/7n w - - 0 1"] 1. Bb6+ Raxb6 (1... Rbxb6 2. Nc6+ Rxc6 3. Nb5#) 2. Nb5+ Rxb5 3. Nc6# *
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