Mate in three vs Black to move
Start Analysis Engine to see Solution #4313 Chess: 5334 Problems, Combination | | 1 Jul 2017
[Event "Start Analysis Engine to see Solution #4313 Chess: 5334 Problems, Combination"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.07.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Mate in three"] [Black "Black to move"] [FEN "5nk1/Qpq2pp1/3p3p/1B1P4/2R5/2P2b2/P4PrP/4BK2 b - - 0 1"] 1... Qxc4+ (1... Rxh2 2. Rg4 Qc8 3. Bd2 (3. Rg3 Rh1+ 4. Rg1 Qh3#) 3... Rh1+ ( 3... Qxg4 4. Ke1 Qg1+ 5. Bf1 Qxf1+ 6. Kxf1 Rh1#) 4. Rg1 Qh3+ 5. Ke1 Rxg1+ 6. Bf1 Rxf1#) 2. Bxc4 Rxh2 3. Kg1 Rh1# *
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