King + Rook + 3 Pawns vs King + Rook + 3 Pawns
K+R+3P vs K+R+3P | | 1 Aug 2017
[Event "K+R+3P vs K+R+3P"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.08.01"] [Round "0"] [White "King + Rook + 3 Pawns"] [Black "King + Rook + 3 Pawns"] [Result "0-1"] [FEN "R7/7p/6p1/6P1/2k1KP2/6P1/pr6/8 b - - 0 1"] 1...Rb4 $1 { Using the same tactical device (2.Rxa2?? Kb3+!-+) to further the strategic goal of advancing the king to support the passed pawn, from a square where it will be hidden from the checks of the opponent's rook. Victory is now easy: } 2.Ke5 ( 2.Rxa2 $4 Kb3+ $1 $19 ) 2...Kb3 3.Rxa2 { The threat was 3... Ra4 and promotion of a new queen. } 3...Kxa2 4.Kf6 Kb3 5.Kg7 Rb7+ 6.Kf6 Kc4 7.g4 Kd5 8.f5 Ra7 9.fxg6 Ra6+ 10.Kg7 Rxg6+ 11.Kxh7 Rxg5 12.Kh6 Rxg4 13.Kh5 Rg1 14.Kh6 Ke5 15.Kh5 Kf4 16.Kh6 Kf5 17.Kh7 Kf6 18.Kh8 Kf7 19.Kh7 Rh1# 0-1
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