King + Rook + Pawn vs King + Rook + 3 Pawns
K+R+P vs K+R+3P | | 1 Aug 2017
[Event "K+R+P vs K+R+3P"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.08.01"] [Round "0"] [White "King + Rook + Pawn"] [Black "King + Rook + 3 Pawns"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "game"] [FEN "8/7p/4p2k/4P3/ppr2PKP/8/PR6/8 b - - 0 1"] [ECO "A01"] [Opening "Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack"] { The pin is also present in some other tactical themes, for example in deflection, as shown in the following diagram. } 1...b3 $1 2.axb3 Rb4 { (here is the pin) Black forces a favorable exchange creating a passed pawn, which decides the game. } 3.Rc2 axb3 4.Rb2 Kg6 5.h5+ Kh6 { Now White has no satisfactory continuation. If 6.Rb1 b2. } 6.Kf3 Kxh5 7.f5 exf5 8.e6 Kg6 $1 { White's hoped for 8...Re4? 9.Rxb3 Rxe6 10. Kg3, reaching a theoretically drawn f- and h-pawn ending (see Chapter Two - Basic Rook-and-pawn Endgames). } ( 8...Re4 $2 9.Rxb3 Rxe6 10.Kg3 $11 ) 9.Re2 Rb8 10.e7 Kf7 11.Re3 { At first glance White seems to have achieved the desired position, for example 11...b2 12.e8=Q! Rxe8 13.Rb3, but } 11...Ke8 $1 { destroys all illusions. } ( 11...b2 12.e8=Q+ $1 Rxe8 13.Rb3 $11 ) {#R} 0-1
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