Westerinen vs Ermenkov
K+R+4P vs K+R+3P | Cleanchess.com | 1 Jan 1978
[Event "K+R+4P vs K+R+3P"] [Site "Cleanchess.com"] [Date "1978.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Westerinen"] [Black "Ermenkov"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "game"] [FEN "8/8/5k2/p1rppP2/8/PK6/2P4P/5R2 b - - 0 1"] [ECO "A40"] [Opening "Queen's Pawn Game"] { Even though White has an extra pawn, he is in a worse position, because his pawn structure consists of four islands, four weak isolated pawns. Note the f-file. White supports his passed pawn with the rook, but its advancement is stopped by Black's king. This is the best method for blockade of the opponent's passed pawn when it is supported by the rook. } 1...d4 $1 { Preventing c2-c3, which would improve White's defensive chances. } 2.Kb2 e4 3.Rd1 e3 $1 4.Kc1 { Losing is 4.Rxd4? e2 5.Re4 Re5. } ( 4.Rxd4 $2 e2 5.Re4 Re5 $19 ) 4...Rxf5 5.Re1 { Still ineffective is 5.Rxd4 Rf1+ 6.Rd1 e2 and Black wins. } ( 5.Rxd4 Rf1+ 6.Rd1 e2 $19 ) 5...Rf2 6.c3 Ke5 7.h4 Rh2 { Black regains material equality, and now the activity of his pieces is decisive. } 8.Kd1 Ke4 9.cxd4 Kd3 10.Kc1 { If 10.d5 then 10...Ra2 and wins. } ( 10.d5 Ra2 $19 ) 10...Kxd4 11.Rg1 Rxh4 12.Kc2 Rh2+ 13.Kb3 e2 14.Ka4 Rh5 {#R} 0-1
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