Bellon vs Karpov
K+R+3P vs K+R+4P | | 1 Jan 1977
[Event "K+R+3P vs K+R+4P"] [Site ""] [Date "1977.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Bellon"] [Black "Karpov"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "team"] [EventCountry "ESP"] [FEN "8/p6p/8/2pk4/3p1P2/R5P1/P2K4/6r1 w - - 0 1"] { The assessment here is also easy - Black has both a material and a tremendous positional advantage: active king and rook, and two connected and far advanced passed pawns. White does not have the coordination to create any significant counterplay, while the transformation 1.Rxa7 Rxg3 2.Rxh7 Rg2+ 3.Kd1 (3.Kd3?? c4#) 3...Rxa2 leads to a lost position similar to Diagram #79. } 1.f5 ( 1.Rxa7 Rxg3 2.Rxh7 Rg2+ 3.Kd1 ( 3.Kd3 $4 c4# ) 3...Rxa2 $19 ) 1...c4 2.Rf3 { White positions his rook behind his own passed pawn, but there is no time for its advance. Black not only has a few extra tempi, but his advancing pawns create threats against White's king. } 2...c3+ 3.Kc2 Kc4 4.Rf4 { Otherwise 4...d3#. } 4...Rg2+ 5.Kc1 Rxa2 { These two examples showed clear positions in which realizing the positional advantage was relatively easy. As we already know, in situations of no material advantage, with a positional advantage not so clear, the method of realization involves improving the favorable strategic qualities for our position, without neglecting the whole tactical arsenal. } 0-1
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