Alekhine vs Capablanca
K+R+3P(Connected)+P (Split) vs K+R+3P (Connected) | | 1 Jan 1927
[Event "K+R+3P(Connected)+P (Split) vs K+R+3P (Connected)"] [Site ""] [Date "1927.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Alekhine"] [Black "Capablanca"] [Result "1-0"] [EventType "game"] [EventCountry "ARG"] [FEN "8/5pk1/r5pp/P7/3R3P/6P1/5PK1/8 w - - 0 1"] { In positions with pawn equality on one flank and a passed pawn on the other, the winning chances for the stronger side are exceptionally high, if the rook, observing Tarrasch's dictum, supports the advance of the pawns from the rear. Here is a typical example. } 1.Ra4 $1 { The outcome has been decided. Black cannot move his rook. Any attempt to bring his king to the queenside will leave the kingside unprotected, and White's king will penetrate. The progress of the game itself is easy to follow, and requires no extensive explanation: } 1...Kf6 2.Kf3 Ke5 3.Ke3 h5 4.Kd3 Kd5 5.Kc3 Kc5 6.Ra2 $1 Kb5 7.Kd4 Rd6+ 8.Ke5 Re6+ 9.Kf4 Ka6 10.Kg5 Re5+ 11.Kh6 Rf5 12.f4 $6 { Better 12.Kg7! Rf3 13.Kg8! Rf6 14.f4 Rf5 15.Kg7 and White wins (Alekhine). } ( 12.Kg7 $1 Rf3 13.Kg8 $1 Rf6 14.f4 Rf5 15.Kg7 $18 ) 12...Rc5 $1 13.Ra3 Rc7 14.Kg7 Rd7 15.f5 gxf5 16.Kh6 f4 17.gxf4 Rd5 18.Kg7 Rf5 19.Ra4 Kb5 20.Re4 $1 Ka6 21.Kh6 $1 Rxa5 22.Re5 Ra1 23.Kxh5 Rg1 24.Rg5 $1 Rh1 25.Rf5 Kb6 26.Rxf7 Kc6 27.Re7 $1 {#r} 1-0
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