Rifky Althaf (1649) vs Ruari Coffey (1837)
VCCC | 27 Nov 2021
[Event "VCCC"] [Date "2021.11.27"] [White "Rifky Althaf"] [Black "Ruari Coffey"] [Result "0-1"] [WhiteElo "1649"] [BlackElo "1837"] [ECO "A45"] [Opening "Indian: 2.Bf4"] 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 d5 3.e3 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nd2 Qb6 6.Qb3 Bf5 7.dxc5 Qxb3 8.Nxb3 e5 9.Bg3 Ne4 10.O-O-O Be6 11.Bb5 f6 12.f3 Nxc5 13.Na5 a6 {The only move I could find that doesn't lose more than a pawn (R.C)} 14.Bxc6+ bxc6 15.Nxc6 a5 {Hoping to play Ra6-b6 to trap the knight, and if Nxa5, black wins back the pawns. (R.C)} 16.b4 axb4 17.cxb4 Na4 18.Ne2 Rc8 19.b5 Bc5 20.Bf2 Kd7?! 21.Rd2 Rc7 22.Kc2 Nb6 23.Nc3 Ra8 24.Ra1 Ke8 25.a4 Nc4 26.Nxd5 Rd7 27.Nxf6+ {I had anticipated e4 as a move but apparently, white had found something in that line that is better for black so went for this line. (R.C)} gxf6 28.Rxd7 Bxd7 29.Kb3 Na5+ 30.Nxa5 Rxa5 31.Rc1 Be6+ 32.Kb2 Bd6 33.Rc6 Kd7 34.Rxd6+ Kxd6 35.Ka3 Ra8 {Perhaps missing my chance, Kc5-c4 seems like the way to go as the bishop can protect from c8 (R.C)} 36.Be1 {e4 or Kb4 seemed better but white still finds an active plan. (R.C)} Kc5 37.Bb4+ Kc4 38.b6 Bd7 39.a5 Bc6 40.e4 Kb5 {The kingside pawns are now stopped. (R.C)} 41.Kb3 Rg8 42.g3 Rd8 43.Be7 Rd3+ 44.Kc2 Rxf3 45.Kd2 Kxa5 46.Bd8 Kb5 47.Ke2 Bxe4 48.g4 Bb7 49.h4 Kc4 50.g5 fxg5 51.hxg5 Kd4 52.Bf6 Rh3 53.Kf2 Ke4 {A tough game that I had thought I wouldn't be able to win after giving up the pawn but turned out the position was complex enough for both sides to create chances. (R.C)} {#R} 0-1
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