Rob Loveband (1744) vs Nigel Barrow (1778)
Barrow-van Riel 2018 | Bendigo | 20 May 2018
[Event "Barrow-van Riel 2018"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2018.05.20"]
[White "Rob Loveband"]
[Black "Nigel Barrow"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1744"]
[BlackElo "1778"]
[ECO "A13"]
[Opening "English: 1...e6 2.Nc3"]
1.c4 e6 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 d5 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Nf3 Be7 6.Bg2 O-O 7.d4 Bf5 8.O-O c6
9.h3 Qc8 10.Kh2 Nbd7 11.Nh4 Be6 12.f4 Nb6 13.Nf3 Nc4 14.Ng5 Bf5 15.e4 dxe4
16.Ngxe4 Rd8 17.b3 Nd6 18.Nf2 a6 19.g4 Bd7 20.Re1 Bf8 21.Bb2 Qc7 22.Nd3 Nb5
23.Nxb5? axb5 24.Qc1 Be6 25.Ne5 Bd5 26.Qc2 Bxg2 27.Qxg2 Nd5 28.Qf2 Bd6 29.Bc1
Nb4 30.Qd2 f6 31.Nf3 Nd5 32.Re4 Re8 33.Qe2 Rxe4 34.Qxe4 Bxf4+ 35.Kg1 Bxc1
36.Rxc1 Qg3+ 37.Kf1 Qxh3+ 38.Kg1 Qg3+ 39.Kh1 Nf4 40.Rc2 Qxg4 41.Rh2 f5 42.Qe3
h6 43.Qf2 Re8 44.Rh4 Nd3 45.Ne5 Nxf2+ {#R} 0-1
Leigh Healey (1697) vs Rodney Jacobs (1697)
Barrow-van Riel 2018 | Bendigo | 20 May 2018
[Event "Barrow-van Riel 2018"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2018.05.20"]
[White "Leigh Healey"]
[Black "Rodney Jacobs"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1697"]
[BlackElo "1697"]
[ECO "B01"]
[Opening "Scandinavian: 2...Nf6 3.Bb5+ Bd7"]
1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bc4 c6 5.dxc6 Nxc6 6.Nf3 e6 7.O-O Bc5? {Bd6
(RJ)} 8.d4 Bb6 9.c3 Qc7? {Bc7 (RJ)} 10.Bd3 O-O-O 11.Bg5? {Na3 (RJ)} h6 12.Bh4
Rde8? {Be8 (RJ)} 13.Na3 g5? {Qb8 or Qd8 (RJ)} 14.Bg3 Qd8 15.Nc4?? {Nb5! and
it's pretty much all over. (RJ)} Bc7 16.Bd6 {Nb6 is a bit stronger (RJ)} Kb8
17.Re1 Reg8 18.b4 Bxd6 19.Nxd6 Qe7 20.Nc4 g4 21.Nfd2 {The engines say White
has an advantage of 2 here. (RJ)} Nd5 22.Qb3 Nf4 23.Bc2 h5 24.b5 Nd8 25.a4?
{Ne4 (RJ)} h4 26.Qa3! {Forcing the exchange of queens. I had not anticipated
this.(RJ)} Qxa3 27.Rxa3 g3! {Black has hauled White's advantage back to 1.2.
(RJ)} 28.fxg3? {Ne3. (RJ)} hxg3 29.h3 {It looks as if White has withstood
Black's kingside attack. But Black has a resource....} e5! {The engines say
it's now even. (RJ)} 30.Ne3? {Nxe5 is better. The position is to complex that
it's very difficult to assess over the board. (RJ)} Bxh3! 31.gxh3 Nxh3+ 32.Kg2
Nf4+? {Now Black goes astray. The programs say Ne6! is best. developing
another piece does make more sense. (RJ)} 33.Kf3 Rh2 34.dxe5? {Now it's -3.
Ne4 was necessary. (RJ)} Nde6? {Afterwards Tom said to me he thought I would
have made something more of the position around this point. He was right. This
is the critical mistake.. 34........Rxd2 and if 35. Kxf4 Ne6ch 36. Kf3
Rf2ch 37. Ke4 Rf4ch 38. Kd3 Rd8ch etc. This was just all too much for me
to calculate.(RJ)} 35.Ne4 g2 36.Raa1! {Now it's even. (RJ)} Rh3+ 37.Kf2 Rh2
38.Kf3 {Implicitly offering a draw. (RJ)} Nh3 39.Nxg2? {Short of time, and
panicking unnecessarily. Rg1 and it's even. (RJ)} Rhxg2? {R8g2. (RJ)} 40.Bb3
Rb2 {Nhg5ch (RJ)} 41.Bc4? {Bxe6. (RJ) Even again.} Nhg5+ 42.Nxg5 Rxg5? {Nxg5
(RJ)} 43.a5 {Ra2 is stronger (RJ)} Rgg2 {Rf5 is better. (RJ)} 44.Rh1 Kc7? {Ng5
ch. (RJ)} 45.Rh7 Ng5+ 46.Ke3 Nxh7 47.Bxf7 Ng5 48.Bd5 Rge2+ 49.Kd3 Rxe5 50.c4
Ree2 51.Rf1 Rf2 52.Rh1 Rb3+ 53.Kd4 Rd2+ 54.Ke5 Re2+ 55.Kf5 Nf3 56.Rh7+ Kd6
57.Rxb7 Nd4+ 58.Kg4 Nxb5 59.Bf3 Ree3 60.cxb5 Rxf3 61.Rxa7 Rg3+ 62.Kf4 Rbf3+
63.Ke4 Re3+ 0-1
Patrick Cook (1657) vs David Lumsdon (1651)
Barrow-van Riel 2018 | Bendigo | 20 May 2018
[Event "Barrow-van Riel 2018"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2018.05.20"]
[White "Patrick Cook"]
[Black "David Lumsdon"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1657"]
[BlackElo "1651"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn: 1...e6 2.c4"]
1.d4 e6 2.c4 f5 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 Be7 5.Nf3 O-O 6.O-O d6 7.Nc3 Ne4 8.Qc2 Nxc3
9.Qxc3 Bf6 10.b3 Nc6 11.Bb2 Qe8 12.Rad1 e5 13.dxe5 Nxe5 14.Nxe5 Bxe5 15.Qd2
{White offered a draw...(P.C.)} Bxb2 16.Qxb2 Qh5 17.Bf3 {I was worried about
...Rf6...Rh6 (P.C.)} Qg6 18.Qd2 f4! 19.Qd5+ Kh8 20.Rd2 Rf5 21.Qd3 Qf6 22.Qd4
Qh6 23.c5! Rf6 24.cxd6 Rxd6 25.Qe5! Bh3 26.Rfd1 Rxd2 27.Rxd2 fxg3 28.Qd4!
gxh2+ 29.Kh1 Be6 30.Bxb7 {White offered a draw...I spent a long time thinking
about 30.Qd8+ Rxd8 31.Rxd8+ Bg8 32.Bd5 and it appears that Black cannot
prevent mate; but 32...Qc1+ 33.Kxh2 Qh6+ 34.Kg1 Qg5+ picks up the rook and
it's game over. After the game, David said he'd only looked as far as
32.Bd5...and was intending 30.Qd8+ Bg8, when we concluded that 31.Qxa8 Qxd2
leads to a draw. (P.C.)} Qg5 31.Kxh2 Rf8 32.Bf3 h5 33.Rd1 Qf5 34.Qh4 g6
35.Rd8!? {After 35.Qd4+ Kg8; 36. Qxa7..(+0.8), white could try for a win.
Admittedly, it looks risky with the white queen far from her "exposed" (!?)
majesty, but he seems to be completely safe (BvR)} Qe5+ 36.Kg2 Kg7 37.Rxf8
Kxf8 38.Qd8+ Kg7 39.Qe7+ Kh6 40.Qf8+ Kh7 41.Qe7+ {#d} 1/2-1/2
Ruari Coffey (1438) vs Terry Mills (615)
Barrow-van Riel 2018 | Bendigo | 20 May 2018
[Event "Barrow-van Riel 2018"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2018.05.20"]
[White "Ruari Coffey"]
[Black "Terry Mills"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1438"]
[BlackElo "615"]
[ECO "A13"]
[Opening "English: 1...e6 2.g3"]
1.c4 e6 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 Nc6 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Nf3 O-O 6.O-O Re8 7.a3 {Forcing the
bishop to make a choice (R.C)} Be7? {Bf8, otherwise blocking the rook (R.C)}
8.d4 (8.b4 d5 9.cxd5 Nxd5 10.Bb2 {Is also playable (R.C)}) 8...d5 9.cxd5 exd5
10.Re1 Bf5 11.Nh4 Be6 12.Nf3 {Doing nothing apart from maybe regaining the
white squares for the queen (R.C)} Na5 13.e4 dxe4 14.Nxe4 Bb3 15.Qd2 Nc4??
{Giving white a decent advantage (R.C)} 16.Qc3 Nxe4 17.Rxe4 Nd6 18.Rxe7 Qxe7
19.Qxb3 Qe6 20.Qxe6 Rxe6 {two pieces for the rook, I now needed to somehow
consolidate my position (R.C)} 21.Be3 Nc4 22.Ne5 Nxe3 23.fxe3 c6 (23...f6??
24.Bd5 Re8 25.Bxe6+ Rxe6 26.Nc4 b5 27.d5 Re4 28.Nd2 Rxe3 29.Rc1 {With white
possibly being better in terms of an endgame}) 24.Re1 f6 25.Nd3 Rd8 26.Nc5
{threat was Rxd4, exd4 Rxe1+ (R.C)} Re7 27.Kf2 {b4?? Rxd4 (R.C)} b6 28.Na4 {or
Na6 also works (R.C)} Rc7 29.b4 {prevents any c5 push (R.C)} Kh8 30.Rc1 b5?
{creates a hole for the knight and a backwards pawn (R.C)} 31.Nc5 Re8 32.Na6
Rce7 33.Bxc6 Rc8 34.Rc5 h6 35.Bxb5 Rd8 36.Bc4 {at first I thought this a
mistake but somehow works out (R.C)} Rde8 37.Nc7 Rc8 38.Ne6 Rce8 39.d5 f5 $18
{Rd7 or Rd8 (R.C)} 40.d6 Rxe6 41.Bxe6 Rxe6 42.d7 Rd6 43.Rc8+ {#r} 1-0
Efrain Tionko (1806) vs Bas van Riel (1812)
Bendigo-Ballarat match 4.5-4.5 | Bendigo | 20 May 2018
[Event "Bendigo-Ballarat match 4.5-4.5"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2018.05.20"]
[White "Efrain Tionko"]
[Black "Bas van Riel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1806"]
[BlackElo "1812"]
[ECO "B07"]
[Opening "Pirc: Sveshnikov (4.g3)"]
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.g3 Bg7 5.Bg2 O-O 6.Nge2 Nbd7 7.O-O c6 8.h3 Qc7
9.Be3 e5 10.Qd2 Re8 11.Rfe1 Nb6 12.b3 Bd7 13.a4 a5 14.Rad1 Rad8 15.d5 cxd5
16.Nxd5 Nbxd5 17.exd5 b5 18.axb5 Bxb5 19.c4 Bd7 20.Nc3 Rb8 21.Qa2 Rb4 22.Bd2
Rb7 23.Ne4 Ra8 24.Nxf6+ Bxf6 25.b4 Qc8 26.bxa5 Bxh3 27.Be3 Bxg2 28.Kxg2 Rb4
29.Rc1 Qd7 30.Bd2 Rb6 31.Qc2 Rba6 32.c5 dxc5 33.Qxc5 Rd6 34.Bb4 Rxd5 35.Qc6
Qxc6 36.Rxc6 Bd8 37.a6 Kg7? {after 37...Ba5!; 38.Re4, Bxb4; 39.Rxb4, Rxa5
instead, only black will have winning chances (BvR)} 38.Bc5! f6? {Now white's
a-pawn becomes very powerfull. White misses another chance for equality, as
Kent and Ruari pointed out after the game. After 38..Rxc5!; 39.Rxc5, Rxa6, the
positions are in balance, with the exchange against two pawns (BvR)} 39.Rb1
Rd7 40.Rb7 Rf7 41.Rd6 Ba5 {41...Bc7 would have been a better try (BvR)}
42.Rdd7 Rxd7 43.Rxd7+ Kh6 44.Ra7! Rc8 45.Be3+ g5 46.Rb7 {#r} 1-0
Ken Czuczman (1165) vs Patrick Cook (1599)
Barrow-van Riel Shield | Mechanics Institute | 19 May 2019
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Shield"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2019.05.19"]
[White "Ken Czuczman"]
[Black "Patrick Cook"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1165"]
[BlackElo "1599"]
[ECO "D10"]
[Opening "Slav: 3.Nc3"]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 e6 4.Nf3 Nf6 5.g3 Nbd7 6.a3 Bd6 7.cxd5 exd5 8.Bg2 O-O
9.O-O Qc7 10.Nh4 Re8 11.Nf5 Bf8 12.Bf4 Qb6 13.b4 Nb8 14.Nd6 Bxd6! 15.Bxd6 Bf5
16.Be5 Nbd7 17.Bxf6 Nxf6 18.Re1 Qd8 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Craig Segat vs Jamie Brotheridge (1542)
Barrow-van Riel Shield | Mechanics Institute | 19 May 2019
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Shield"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2019.05.19"]
[White "Craig Segat"]
[Black "Jamie Brotheridge"]
[Result "0-1"]
[BlackElo "1542"]
[ECO "B30"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Rossolimo"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.Bc4 Nxf3+ 5.Qxf3 e6 6.d3 d6 7.O-O Bd7 8.Nc3 a6
9.a4 Qf6 10.Qxf6 Nxf6 11.Bb3 Be7 12.f4 Bc6 13.a5 Bd8 14.Be3 Bc7 15.Ba4 Kd7
16.Bb3 Ke7 17.h3 h5 18.Bc4 Kd7 19.e5 dxe5 20.f5 Bd5 21.fxe6+ fxe6 22.Bxc5 Bc6
23.g3 Rh6 24.Be3 Rg6 25.Ne2 h4 26.b3 Rh8 27.Rf3?? Bxf3 28.Nc3 Rxg3+ 29.Kf1
Rxh3 30.Kf2 Ng4+ 31.Kg1 Rh1# 0-1
Rob Loveband (1673) vs Nigel Barrow (1892)
Barrow van Riel 2019 | Mechanics Institute | 19 May 2019
[Event "Barrow van Riel 2019"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2019.05.19"]
[White "Rob Loveband"]
[Black "Nigel Barrow"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1673"]
[BlackElo "1892"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Opening "Sicilian: 2...e6"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.Be2 d5 4.exd5 exd5 5.d4 Nf6 6.O-O Be7 7.Re1 O-O 8.c3 Nc6
9.h3 h6 10.Bd3 c4 11.Bc2 Be6 12.Nbd2 Bd6 13.Ne5 Qc7 14.f4 Ne7 15.Ndf3 b5 16.a3
a5 17.g4 Bc8 18.Qe2 Bb7 19.Qg2 Ne4 20.Nh4 f6 21.Neg6 Nxg6 22.Nxg6 Rfe8 23.Rf1
Kh7 24.Nh4 Kg8 25.Nf5 Bf8 26.Ne3 b4 27.axb4 axb4 28.Rxa8 Bxa8 29.Bxe4 Rxe4
30.Qf3 Bd6 31.Nf5 Bf8 32.Ng3 Re6 33.f5 Re8 34.Bd2 bxc3 35.bxc3 Bd6 36.Nh5 Kf8
37.Bf4 Bc6 38.Bxd6+ Qxd6 39.Nf4 Re4 40.Ne6+ Kf7 41.Ra1 Qd7 42.Nc5 Qe7 43.Nxe4
dxe4 44.Qe3 Qb7 45.d5 Qb2 46.Ra7+ Bb7 47.d6 Ke8 48.Qf2? Qb1+ 49.Qf1?? {The
losing move... under time pressure (RL)} Qb6+! 50.Qf2 e3 51.d7+ Kd8 52.Qa2 e2+
53.Kh2 Qf2# 0-1
Leigh Healey (1722) vs Ruari Coffey (1644)
Barrow Van Riel | 19 May 2019
[Event "Barrow Van Riel"]
[Date "2019.05.19"]
[White "Leigh Healey"]
[Black "Ruari Coffey"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1722"]
[BlackElo "1644"]
[ECO "B90"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Najdorf"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 Nbd7 7.a3 Qc7 {By playing
a3, I expected that white would also put the light squared bishop on c4.
(R.C)} 8.Be2 e6 9.O-O Be7 10.Be3 b6 {In many lines on the Sicilian, there are
sacrifices on most light squares (e6, b5 and f5), hence why I decided against
b5. I was also worried about a bishop or knight occupying b6 later in the
game, especially after an a/c 4-5 push. (R.C)} 11.f3 Bb7 12.Qd2 Rc8 13.Rfc1
O-O 14.Bf2 Ne5 15.Nb3 {Opening up the diagonal for the dark squared bishop and
preparing to out pressure on the weakened pawns. (R.C)} Rfd8 16.Qe3 Nfd7
17.Na4 Nc5 18.Naxc5 dxc5 {bxc5 was also considered, however an open d-file was
slightly more desirable than an open b-file and central pawns. (R.C)} 19.c4
{There is now an excellent outpost for the knight on d4 and taking will only
favour black.(R.C)} Nc6 20.Bg3 Bd6 21.f4 Nd4 {Perhaps a bit hasty, e5 was also
an option but allows whites' queen to move to the kingside after the f-pawn is
gone and the rooks switch over. (R.C)} 22.e5 Qc6 23.Bf1 {Of course not exd6
because of mate on g2. I can always hope though. (R.C)} Be7 24.Bf2 Nxb3
{Should have doubled up the rooks first before trying this. (R.C) Or
maintaining the presssure along the d-file by Nf5 and/or Qe4 (bas)} 25.Qxb3
Rd2 26.Rd1 Rcd8 27.Rxd2 Rxd2 28.Rd1 Rxd1 29.Qxd1 {When going through all the
calculations initially (Nxb3), I missed Qxb6 so now white has a very active
queen. (R.C) I take it, that you meant that you could not play the intended
28...Qd7 because of Qxb6 (bas)} b5 30.Qd3 b4 31.axb4 cxb4 32.b3 g6 {Creating a
flight square for the king (R.C)} 33.Qd4 a5 34.Qb6 a4 {My position is okay at
best but I figured this is the best way to create counter-play, as my bishops
are quite active compared to white's bishops. (R.C)} 35.bxa4 Qxb6 36.Bxb6 Be4
{b3 is met with Bd3 and Bb1. (R.C)} 37.Bd4 b3 38.Bb2 {Preventing Ba3. (R.C)}
Bc5+ 39.Kh1 Be3 40.a5 Bxf4 41.c5 Be3 42.Bc4 Bxc5 43.Bxb3 Kf8 44.Bc4 Ke7 45.Bc3
Kd7 46.h3 Kc6 47.Kh2 Ba7 {Perhaps Bd5 of Bf2 would have been more
advantageous. (R.C)} 48.g4 Kc5 49.Be2 Bb8 50.Kg3 g5 51.Kf2 Bc7 52.Bf1 {Ke3
would be a mistake due to Bg2. (R.C)} Bc6 53.Ke3 Bb5 54.Bd4+ Kb4 55.Bg2 Kxa5
{After winning the outside passed pawn, I felt that I should be able to win in
the duel bishop endgame but is still very tricky to make sure I don't make a
mistake. (R.C)} 56.Be4 h6 57.Kf3 Kb4 58.Be3 Bd8 {Exchanging the bishop for the
two pawns would be very scary for black so better to be safe than sorry.
(R.C)} 59.h4 Ba4 60.hxg5 hxg5 61.Bh7 Bc6+ 62.Kg3 Kc4 63.Bc1 Kd5 64.Bb2 Bc7
65.Bg8 Be8 {f6 immediately as it is pinned and the resulting endgame would
have been very easy being two pawns up all of them being connected. (R.C)}
66.Kf3 Bxe5 67.Bc1 f6 68.Bh7 Bd4 69.Ba3 Bc5 70.Be4+ Kd6 71.Bb2 e5 {Ke7 and
black will have all the time to be able to get the bishops to help push the
pawns. I was thinking that I can win after exchanging the LSB but am unable to
shift the king off of e4. (R.C)} 72.Bc3 Ba4 73.Ke2 Ba3 74.Ba5 Bd7 75.Bf3 Ke6
76.Be4 Bb5+ 77.Kf3 Bc5 78.Bd8 Be7 79.Bc7 Kd7 80.Ba5 Bc6 81.Bb6 f5 82.gxf5 g4+
83.Ke3 Bg5+ 84.Kd3 Bb5+ 85.Kc3 Kd6 {g3, controlling f2 would be much better.
(R.C)} 86.Bf2 Bf4 87.Kb4 Bd7 88.Bc5+ {I had overlooked this move. Keeping the
d7 square for the king is required. (R.C)} Kc7 89.f6 Bd2+ 90.Kc4 Be6+ 91.Bd5
Kd7 92.f7 Bh6 93.f8=Q Bxf8 94.Bxf8 g3 95.Bc5 Bf5 96.Be3 Kd6 97.Bc5+ Kd7 98.Be3
{Against a player who was, until recently (past year), a few hundred points
above me, this is a good result. (R.C) A great and absorbing fight by both of
you (bas)} {#d} 1/2-1/2
Leigh Healey (1477) vs Rob Loveband (1498)
Live Chess | | 17 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.17"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Leigh Healey"]
[Black "Rob Loveband"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1477"]
[BlackElo "1498"]
[ECO "A05"]
[Opening "Reti: 1...Nf6 2.e3"]
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.e3 c5 3.c4 g6 4.d4 Bg7 5.Nc3 cxd4 6.exd4 O-O 7.d5 d6 8.Be2 Nbd7
9.O-O Nc5 10.Re1 Bf5 11.h3 Re8 12.Nd4 Qc8 13.g4 Bd7 14.Bf3 h6 15.Bf4 Kh7
16.Rc1 Na6 17.b3 Qd8 18.Ndb5 Bxb5 19.Nxb5 Nd7 20.Kg2 Ne5 21.Be3 Nb4 22.Be2
Nxa2 23.Ra1 Nb4 24.Rxa7 Rxa7 25.Bxa7 Qa5 26.Bd4 Nc2 27.Rf1 Nxd4 28.Nxd4 Nd7
29.Nc2 Qc3 30.Qd3 Qxd3 31.Bxd3 Nc5 32.Be2 Nxb3 33.Na3 Ra8 34.Nb5 Ra2 35.Re1
Ra1 36.Rxa1 Bxa1 37.Na7 Kg7 38.Nc8 Kf8 39.Nb6 Ke8 40.Kg3 Bd4 41.Na4 Nd2 42.f4
g5 43.fxg5 hxg5 44.h4 gxh4+ 45.Kxh4 f6 46.Kh5 Ne4 47.Bd3 Nd2 48.Kg6 Nf3 49.Be2
Ne5+ 50.Kf5 Nd7 51.g5 fxg5 52.Kxg5 Ne5 53.Kf5 Kd8 54.Ke4 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Patrick Cook (1260) vs David Lumsdon (1207)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Patrick Cook"]
[Black "David Lumsdon"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1260"]
[BlackElo "1207"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn: 1...e6 2.c4"]
1.d4 e6 2.c4 f5 3.g3 Nf6 4.Bg2 Be7 5.Nf3 O-O 6.Nc3 d6 7.O-O Qe8 8.b3 Nbd7
9.Bb2 Ne4 10.Qc2 Ndf6 11.Nxe4 Nxe4 12.Nd2 Nxd2 13.Qxd2 c6 14.Rad1 Bd7 15.f4 d5
16.c5 b6 17.b4 Qc8 18.Bc3 Be8 19.Bf3 Rf6 20.e3 Rh6 21.Rf2 Bh5 22.Bxh5 Rxh5
23.Qe2 Qe8 24.h4 Rh6 25.Rg2 Rg6 26.Rd2 Rg4 27.Rb2 h6 28.Kf1 Qg6 29.Be1 Qe8
30.a3 b5 31.Ra2 Qc8 32.a4 a6 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Bas van Riel (1467) vs Chris Bradley (1152)
Live Chess | | 17 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.17"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Bas van Riel"]
[Black "Chris Bradley"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1467"]
[BlackElo "1152"]
[ECO "C11"]
[Opening "French: Steinitz, 5.Nf3"]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nf3 c5 6.dxc5 Bxc5 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.Qe2 a6
9.O-O Qc7 10.Re1 Nd4 11.Nxd4 Bxd4 12.Bf4 g5 13.Bxg5 Bxe5 14.Nxd5 Qd6 15.Ne3
Nc5 16.Rad1 Bd7 17.Nf5 Bxh2+ 18.Kh1 Qf8 19.Kxh2 f6 20.Bh6 Qg8 21.Bg7 Kd8
22.Bxh8 Qxh8 23.Nd6 Qg7 24.b4 Bc6 25.Be4 Nxe4 26.Nf5+ {#r} 1-0
Nigel Barrow (1631) vs Ruari Coffey (1652)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Nigel Barrow"]
[Black "Ruari Coffey"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1631"]
[BlackElo "1652"]
[ECO "B22"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Alapin, 2...d5 3.exd5 Qxd5"]
1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.Nf3 Bg4 5.d4 Bxf3 6.Qxf3 Qxf3 7.gxf3 cxd4 8.cxd4
Nd7 9.Nc3 Ngf6 10.Bb5 e6 11.Ne4 a6 12.Ba4 b5 13.Bc2 Rc8 14.Bd3 e5 15.Nxf6+
gxf6 16.Be3 Bb4+ 17.Ke2 Ke7 18.Rhg1 Rcg8 19.a3 exd4 20.Bxd4 Bd6 21.h3 Ne5
22.Rxg8 Rxg8 23.Bxh7 Rh8 24.Bf5 Rh4 25.Bc3 Rf4 26.Be4 Nd7 27.Rd1 Nc5 28.Bc2
Ne6 29.Rh1 Nd4+ 30.Bxd4 Rxd4 31.h4 Bf4 32.Bd3 b4 33.h5 Bh6 34.axb4 Rxb4
35.Bxa6 Rxb2+ 36.Kf1 f5 37.Kg2 Kf6 38.Kg3 Rb4 39.Rd1 Bf4+ 40.Kg2 Rb6 41.Bc4
Rd6 42.Rh1 Kg7 43.Rb1 Rh6 44.Rb7 Rxh5 45.Rxf7+ Kg6 46.Rf8 Rh2+ 47.Kg1 Rh7
48.Rxf5 Kxf5 49.Bd3+ Kf6 50.Bxh7 Kg5 51.Kf1 Bd6 52.Ke2 Kf4 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Hossam Elgindy (1337) vs Michael Holding (1585)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Hossam Elgindy"]
[Black "Michael Holding"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1337"]
[BlackElo "1585"]
[ECO "A07"]
[Opening "Reti: KIA"]
1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nf6 3.d3 Nc6 4.Bg2 Bf5 5.Nbd2 e6 6.Nh4 Bg6 7.a3 Bd6 8.c4 O-O
9.Nxg6 fxg6 10.O-O Be7 11.b3 Qd7 12.Bb2 d4 13.Bxc6 bxc6 14.Qc1 c5 15.Nf3 Bd6
16.e3 e5 17.e4 Ng4 18.h3 Rxf3 19.hxg4 Qxg4 20.Qc2 h5 21.Kg2 h4 22.Kh2 hxg3+
23.fxg3 Qxg3+ 24.Kh1 Qh3+ 25.Qh2 Rxf1+ {#R} 0-1
Craig Segat (914) vs Anna Yates (1176)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Craig Segat"]
[Black "Anna Yates"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "914"]
[BlackElo "1176"]
[ECO "E10"]
[Opening "Neo-Indian: 3.Nf3"]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 c6 4.e3 d5 5.Nc3 Be7 6.Be2 O-O 7.O-O Nbd7 8.Bd2 Nb6
9.b3 c5 10.Ne5 cxd4 11.exd4 Nbd7 12.Bg5 Nxe5 13.dxe5 Nd7 14.Bxe7 Qxe7 15.f4
Qc5+ 16.Rf2 b6 17.Rc1 Bb7 18.cxd5 exd5 19.Bg4 Rad8 20.Nxd5 Qxd5 21.Bf3 Qxd1+
22.Rxd1 Bxf3 23.Rxf3 Nc5 24.Rd6 Rxd6 25.exd6 Nd7 26.b4 Re8 27.g3 f6 28.Rc3 Re6
29.Rc8+ Kf7 30.Rc6 Re2 31.a3 Rd2 32.Rc7 Rxd6 33.Rxa7 Ke6 34.Ra8 f5 35.Rg8 g6
36.Rg7 Nf6 37.Rb7 Kd5 38.Rc7 Ke4 39.a4 Kf3 40.Rc3+ Ke4 41.a5 bxa5 42.bxa5 Ra6
43.Rc4+ Kd5 44.Ra4 Kc5 45.Ra1 Kb5 46.h3 Rxa5 47.Rb1+ Kc5 48.Kf2 Ra3 49.Rc1+
Kd4 50.Rd1+ Rd3 51.Re1 Ne4+ 52.Ke2 Re3+ 53.Kd1 Rxe1+ 54.Kxe1 Nxg3 55.Kf2 Ne2
56.Kxe2 Ke4 57.Kf2 Kxf4 58.Kg2 g5 59.Kh2 h5 60.Kg2 g4 61.h4 Ke3 62.Kg3 f4+
63.Kg2 f3+ 64.Kg3 Ke2 65.Kf4 f2 66.Kg5 f1=Q 67.Kxh5 g3 68.Kg5 g2 69.h5 g1=R+
70.Kh6 Qf6+ 71.Kh7 Qg7# 0-1
Tom Oppenheim (1035) vs Lyle Pyers (903)
Live Chess | | 17 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.17"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Tom Oppenheim"]
[Black "Lyle Pyers"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1035"]
[BlackElo "903"]
[ECO "B08"]
[Opening "Pirc: Classical, 5.Be2"]
1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Be2 O-O 6.O-O Nc6 7.Be3 e5 8.d5 Ne7 9.h3
c6 10.dxc6 bxc6 11.Qd2 d5 12.exd5 Nfxd5 13.Ne4 Nxe3 14.Qxe3 Qb6 15.Qxb6 axb6
16.c3 Ba6 17.Bxa6 Rxa6 18.a4 Rfa8 19.b3 Nd5 20.c4 Nb4 21.Rad1 c5 22.Rd7 R6a7
23.Rfd1 Rxd7 24.Rxd7 Rf8 25.Rb7 Nd3 26.Rxb6 Rd8 27.Rb5 Bf8 28.a5 Ra8 29.Nf6+
Kg7 30.Nd5 Ra6 31.Kf1 Bd6 32.Ke2 e4 33.Nd2 f5 34.f3 h5 35.fxe4 fxe4 36.Nxe4
Nb4 37.Nxb4 cxb4 38.Nxd6 Rxd6 39.Rxb4 Re6+ 40.Kf2 Kh6 41.Ra4 Re4 42.a6 Rf4+
43.Kg1 Rf8 44.a7 Ra8 45.b4 Kg5 46.b5 Kf4 47.b6 Kg3 48.b7 Re8 49.b8=Q+ {#r} 1-0
Stan Lajic (959) vs Leonard Goodison (1500)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Stan Lajic"]
[Black "Leonard Goodison"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "959"]
[BlackElo "1500"]
[ECO "C47"]
[Opening "Four Knights: Van der Wiel Variation"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Be2 Bc5 5.Na4 Bb4 6.c3 Ba5 7.b4 Bb6 8.O-O d6
9.d3 Be6 10.Bg5 h6 11.Bxf6 Qxf6 12.b5 Na5 13.c4 O-O 14.Nc3 c6 15.bxc6 Nxc6
16.Nd5 Bxd5 17.cxd5 Nd4 18.Nxd4 Bxd4 19.Rb1 b6 20.a4 Rac8 21.Bf3 Rc7 22.Rb3
Rc5 23.Qb1 Rfc8 24.h3 Qf4 25.Qa2 Rc2 26.Qa3 Qd2 27.Qxd6 Bxf2+ 28.Kh2 Qf4+
29.Kh1 Qg3 30.Qd7 Be3 31.Qg4 Qxg4 32.hxg4 Rc1 33.Rb1 Kf8 34.Kh2 Ke7 35.Re1 Kd6
36.Rbxc1 Bxc1 37.Re2 Rc3 38.Re1 Bf4+ 39.g3 Bg5 40.Rd1 Ra3 41.Kg2 Rxa4 42.Rb1
Ra2+ 43.Kf1 Be3 44.Be2 Bd4 45.Rc1 Bc5 46.Ke1 a5 47.Kd1 a4 48.Rb1 Be3 49.Ke1 a3
50.Rb3 Ra1+ 51.Bd1 a2 52.Ra3 Bd4 53.Ra8 Rxd1+ 54.Kxd1 a1=Q+ 55.Rxa1 Bxa1
56.Kc2 Bd4 57.Kb3 Bf2 58.Kc4 Bxg3 59.d4 g6 60.dxe5+ Bxe5 61.Kb5 h5 62.gxh5
gxh5 63.Kxb6 h4 {#R} 0-1
Neel Girish (748) vs Justin Goodison (1315)
Live Chess | | 16 May 2020
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Neel Girish"]
[Black "Justin Goodison"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "748"]
[BlackElo "1315"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Englund Gambit"]
1.d4 e5 2.e3 exd4 3.exd4 Nf6 4.Nf3 Be7 5.Be3 O-O 6.Nc3 d5 7.Bd3 Nc6 8.O-O Bg4
9.Qe2 Re8 10.Rae1 Bd6 11.a3 a6 12.b4 Qd7 13.h3 Bxh3 14.gxh3 Qxh3 15.Ng5 Qh2#
van Riel, Bas (1644) vs Healey, Leigh (1641)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Bendigo | 16 May 2021
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2021.05.16"]
[White "van Riel, Bas"]
[Black "Healey, Leigh"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1644"]
[BlackElo "1641"]
[ECO "B90"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Najdorf"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be2 e5 7.Nb3 Be6 8.Be3 b5
9.Nd5?! Nbd7 10.a4 Bxd5 11.exd5 b4 12.a5 Qc8 13.O-O Be7 14.Qd2 O-O 15.Rfd1 Qb7
16.Ra4 Rfb8 17.Bb6?! {(Bas) At this moment I felt that i had the better
position (a modest +0.63, as it turned out). Both sides were fully developed,
and it was time to contemplate how to expand the advantage (eg having more
space, the pair of bishops, and blacks potentially weak b-pawn). I decided for
a complicated combination with the ultimate purpose of swapping my a-pawn for
black's b-pawn, thereby creating a passer-pawn along the b-file for the long
run.. to queen !?. This became the theme of an interesting game, but it did
not pan out at the end as I had hoped. Leigh defended very well. At hind sight
the immediate 17.f3...would have maintained my better position rather than
risking a rather murky future after Bb3.} Nxb6 18.Rxb4 Qxd5?! {(Bas) Bd8 would
have been slightly better according to Stockfish} 19.axb6 Qxd2 20.Nxd2! Nd5
21.b7!? Ra7 22.Rb3 Nf6 23.Nc4 Raxb7 24.Rxb7 Rxb7 25.b3 Ne8 26.Na5 Rc7 27.Nc4
Rc6 28.Bf3 Rc5 29.Ne3 g6 30.Nd5? {(Bas) A missed chance, overlooking 30.b4,
Rc8 (30...Rc3 fails after 31. Nd5 winning material); 31. Bb7 and 32. Bxa6..
achieving my original goal, but without much punch left.} Bf8 31.c4 {(Bas)
Stockfish gives black a tiny advantage (0.2- 0.5) in this stage of the game,
thanks to his extra pawn.} Kg7 32.Ra1 a5 33.Nc3 f5! {(Bas) active defence by
Leigh} 34.Nb5 Nf6? {(Bas) Leigh could have consolidated his advantage by
playing 34....Be7!; 35.Rxa5, Nc7; 36.Kf1, Nxb5; 37.Rxb5, e4; 38.Rxc5, dxc5;
39.Bd1 (stockfish, -0.45 for black). We both missed this combination.} 35.Rxa5
d5! 36.Ra7+ Kh6 37.Rf7? {(Bas) Overlooking the threat of checkmate at the
backrank after 37...dxc4!; 38.bxc4, Rxc4; 39.h3, and black will be a strong
pawn up (-0.66, stockfish). Leigh told me after the game that he had
considered this line, but 'forgot' to play it..Now the game peters out into a
clear draw.} Bg7 38.Rc7 Rxc7 39.Nxc7 dxc4 40.bxc4 Nd7 41.Bc6 Nc5 42.Bd5 Bf6
43.f3 e4 44.fxe4 fxe4 {0.5-.05. (Bas) I enjoyed this interesting game, even if
it was perhaps more puff and huff than excitement.Thanks Leigh.} {#d} 1/2-1/2
Althaf, Rifky (1640) vs Loveband, Rob (1611)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Bendigo | 16 May 2021
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2021.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Althaf, Rifky"]
[Black "Loveband, Rob"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1640"]
[BlackElo "1611"]
[ECO "A01"]
[Opening "Nimzowitsch-Larsen: Indian Variation"]
1.b3 Nf6 2.Bb2 d5 3.e3 Bf5 4.f4 Nbd7 5.Nf3 e6 6.d3 Bc5 7.Qe2 c6 8.Nbd2 Qb6
9.e4 Bg4 10.h3 Bxf3 11.Qxf3 O-O-O 12.O-O-O Qa5 13.a4 Kb8 14.g4 Rhg8 15.Bg2 Ne8
16.Rhf1 Nc7 17.d4 Be7 18.f5 b5 19.fxe6 fxe6 20.Qf7 Bg5 21.axb5 Qxb5 22.Qh5 h6
23.Qg6 Nf6 24.exd5 cxd5 25.Rfe1 Rc8 26.Kb1 Bh4 27.Re3 Bg5 28.Rc3 Na6 29.Rxc8+
Kxc8 30.Nf3 Qe2 31.Re1 Qxg2 32.Nxg5 hxg5 33.Rxe6 Qf1+ 34.Bc1 Nc7 35.Rc6 Kb7
36.Rc5 Qd1 37.Qf7 Rc8 38.Rb5+ Kc6 39.Rb4 Qe1 40.Ra4 Kb7 41.Qg6 Ne4 42.Ra3 Nc3+
43.Kb2 Nd1+ 44.Ka1 Nc3 45.Kb2 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Feinberg, Jules (1162) vs Schepisi, David (1406)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Bendigo | 16 May 2021
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2021.05.16"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Feinberg, Jules"]
[Black "Schepisi, David"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1162"]
[BlackElo "1406"]
[ECO "A16"]
[Opening "English: Anglo-Indian, 2.Nc3 g6"]
1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.Nf3 Bg7 4.g3 c5 5.Bg2 Nc6 6.O-O O-O 7.e3 d6 8.d4 cxd4
9.exd4 e6 10.Re1 Re8 11.a3 Na5 12.b3 a6 13.Nd2 Nd7 14.b4 Nc6 15.Nb3 Nb6 16.Qd3
Qf6 17.h4 h6 18.Be3 Bd7 19.Na5 Rab8 20.Ne4 Qe7 21.Rab1 Nxa5 22.bxa5 Na8 23.Nc3
d5 24.Rb3 dxc4 25.Qxc4 Rec8 26.Qd3 Rc7 27.Bf4 e5 28.Nd5 Qd8 29.Nxc7 Qxc7
30.Bxe5 Bxe5 31.Rxe5 Bb5 32.Qc3 Qd7 33.Qe3 Kg7 34.Re7 Qf5 35.Qe5+ Qxe5 36.dxe5
Kf8 37.Rxb7 Rc8 38.Bd5 Rc1+ 39.Kg2 Nc7 40.Be4 Ne6 41.Rf3 Nc7 42.Rb8+ Kg7
43.Re3 Rc2 44.Bxc2 {#r} 1-0
Jones, Ryan vs Cook, Patrick (1570)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Bendigo | 16 May 2021
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2021.05.16"]
[White "Jones, Ryan"]
[Black "Cook, Patrick"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[BlackElo "1570"]
[ECO "C17"]
[Opening "French: Winawer, Advance, 4...c5"]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e5 c5 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd7 7.O-O Bxc3 8.bxc3 Nxe5!
9.Nxe5 Bxb5 10.Re1 Nf6 11.Ba3! c4?! 12.Qb1 a6 13.Qb4 Nd7 14.Re3 Nxe5 15.Rxe5
Qd7 16.Qc5 Rc8 17.Qb4 f6 18.Re3 Kf7 19.Rae1 Rhe8 20.h3 Qc7 21.Qb1 e5 22.Qd1!
Bc6 {Black offered a draw...(P.C.)} 23.dxe5 {"No...!" was the emphatic
response. (P.C.)} Rxe5 24.Rxe5 fxe5 25.Qh5+ Kg8 26.Rxe5 Qf7 27.Qg5 Re8
28.Rxe8+ Qxe8 29.Bc5 h6 30.Qg3 Qf7 31.Bd4 Kh7 32.Qe3 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Leigh Healey (1631) vs Patrick Cook (1547)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Mechanics Institute | 22 May 2022
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2022.05.22"]
[White "Leigh Healey"]
[Black "Patrick Cook"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "1631"]
[BlackElo "1547"]
[ECO "C07"]
[Opening "French: Tarrasch, Open, 4.exd5"]
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Ngf3 cxd4 6.Bc4 Qd6 7.O-O Nf6 8.Re1 Be7
9.Qe2 O-O 10.Ne4 Nxe4 11.Qxe4 Qc6 12.Qd3 a6 13.Ne5 Qc5 14.a3 Nc6 15.Bf4 b5
16.Ba2 Nxe5 17.Bxe5 Bd6 18.Qxd4 Qxd4 19.Bxd4 Bb7 {Black offered a
draw...(P.C.)} 20.Rad1 Rac8 21.c3 Bc5 22.Be5 Rfd8 23.Bb3 Kf8 24.Bg3 Be7 25.h3
Rxd1 26.Rxd1 Rd8 {Black offered a draw...(P.C.)} 27.Rxd8+ Bxd8 28.Bd6+ Be7
29.Be5 f6 30.Bd4 e5 31.Be3 Bd6 32.f3 Ke7 33.Kf2 h6 34.c4 bxc4 35.Bxc4 Kd7
36.Bd3 Ke6 37.Bc4+ Kd7 38.g3 g5 39.Bd3 Ke6 40.g4 Kd7 41.Bb6 Bc7 42.Bf5+ Kd6
43.Be3 Bc6 44.Ba7 Bd7 45.Bc2 Bc6 46.Ke3 Bb5 47.b4 Bc6 48.Bf5 Bd7 49.Bc5+ Kc6
50.Be4+ Kb5 51.Bd3+ Kc6 52.Bxa6 Bb6 53.Bxb6 Kxb6 54.Bc4 Bc6 55.Be2 Bd5 56.Bd3
Bc6 57.Bc4 Bd7 58.Bb3 Kb5 59.Ke4 Bc6+ 60.Bd5 Bd7 61.Bb3 Bc6+ 62.Ke3 Bb7 63.Kf2
e4 64.fxe4 Bxe4 65.Kg3 f5 66.gxf5 Bxf5 67.Bd5 Bd7 68.Bb3 Bf5 69.Bd1 Bd7 70.h4
gxh4+ 71.Kxh4 Be8 72.Bh5 Bd7 73.Bd1 Be8 74.Kg4 Kc4 75.Be2+ Kb3 76.b5 Bxb5
77.Bxb5 Kxa3 {#d} 1/2-1/2
Bas van Riel (1624) vs Nigel Barrow (1885)
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Mechanics Institute | 22 May 2022
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2022.05.22"]
[White "Bas van Riel"]
[Black "Nigel Barrow"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1624"]
[BlackElo "1885"]
[ECO "B40"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Open, 2...e6, 4.Nxd4"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 d6 6.Be3 a6 7.Be2 Be7 8.Qd2 b5
9.a3 Bb7 10.f3 Qc7 11.g4 Nc6 12.O-O-O b4 13.axb4 Nxb4 14.Kb1 Nd7 15.Nb3 Bc6
16.Qd4 a5 17.g5 e5 18.Qc4 Nb6 19.Bxb6 Qxb6 20.Nb5 O-O 21.Nxd6 a4 22.Qc5 axb3!!
23.Qxb6 bxc2+ 24.Kc1 Bxg5+ {#R} 0-1
Ruari Coffey (1883) vs Tuấn Ngọc (Paul) Đào (1620)
Ballarat vs Bendigo | Mechanics Institute | 22 May 2022
[Event " Ballarat vs Bendigo"]
[Site "Mechanics Institute"]
[Date "2022.05.22"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Ruari Coffey"]
[Black "Tuấn Ngọc (Paul) Đào"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1883"]
[BlackElo "1620"]
[ECO "A40"]
[Opening "Queen's Pawn: 1...e6 2.c4"]
1.d4 e6 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nc3 d5 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bg5 Be7 6.e3 O-O 7.Bd3 c6 8.Nge2 Be6
9.Nf4 Nbd7?! 10.Bc2 Bb4?! 11.O-O Bxc3? 12.bxc3 Qa5 13.Nxe6 fxe6 14.Qc1 g6?
15.Bh6?! Rf7 16.Bb3 Nb6?! 17.f3 c5 18.c4 Rc7? 19.Bf4 Rcc8?! 20.Be5? Nfd7
21.dxc5?? Nxe5 22.cxb6 Qxb6?! 23.Kh1? Nxc4?! 24.Re1 Na5? 25.Bc2?? Qc5?
26.Bd3?! Qxc1 27.Rexc1 Rxc1+ 28.Rxc1 Nc6?! 29.e4 Rd8 30.exd5 exd5 31.Kg1 Kf7?
32.Kf2? Kf6 33.Rb1? Ne5 34.Be2 b6 35.Rb4?! Rc8 36.Rf4+ Ke6 37.Ra4?! Rc7 38.f4
Nc6 39.Bg4+ Kf6?! 40.Ke3 a5 41.Bf3?! Ne7?! 42.Kd3?! Ke6 43.Bg4+ Kd6 44.Bd1 Nc6
45.Ra3 Nb4+ 46.Kd2 Rc4 47.g3 Rd4+ 48.Ke2 Re4+ 49.Kf2 d4 50.Rb3 Kc5 51.a3 Na2?!
52.Bf3?! Re7 53.Rb2 Nc3 54.h4 b5 55.h5 b4 56.axb4+ axb4 57.hxg6 hxg6 58.g4 Kc4
59.f5 gxf5 60.gxf5 Rf7 61.Bg4 b3 62.Ke1 Rh7?? 63.Bf3?? Ra7 64.Bh5 Ne4 65.Be2+
Kc3 66.Rb1 b2 67.Bf3 Nd2 68.Rxb2 Nxf3+ {<br /><br />Game may have
continued...} (68...Nxf3+ 69.Kf2 Kxb2 70.Kxf3 d3 71.Ke3 Kc2 72.Kf4 d2 {-58.3})
{#R} 0-1
Healey,Leigh vs Loveband,Rob
BvR2023 | Bendigo | 21 May 2023
[Event "BvR2023"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2023.05.21"]
[White "Healey,Leigh"]
[Black "Loveband,Rob"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B33"]
[Opening "Sicilian: Open, 2...Nc6"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Nb3 Bg7 7.Be2 a6 8.f4 d6
9.Bf3 e5 10.Be3 O-O 11.O-O exf4 12.Bxf4 Qb6+ 13.Kh1 Ne5 14.Qd4 Qxd4 15.Nxd4
Nxf3 16.Nxf3 Re8 17.Rfe1 Ng4 18.Bg3 Be6 19.h3 Ne5 20.Nxe5 dxe5 21.a3 Rad8
22.Rad1 Rd7 23.Rxd7 Bxd7 24.Rd1 Bc6 25.Bh4 f6 26.Kg1 Kf7 27.Bf2 Re7 28.Be3 Rd7
29.Re1 f5 30.Bc1 f4 31.b4 Bf6 32.a4 b5 33.axb5 axb5 34.Nd1 Rd4 35.c3 Rxe4
36.Rf1 Re2 37.Nf2 Bd8 0-1
Patrick Cook (1565) vs Dwayne Sparkes
Barrow-van Riel Challenge | Bendigo | 21 May 2023
[Event "Barrow-van Riel Challenge"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2023.05.21"]
[White "Patrick Cook"]
[Black "Dwayne Sparkes"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1565"]
[ECO "A41"]
[Opening "Neo-Old Indian: 2.c4"]
1.d4 d6 2.c4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.e4 Bg7 5.Be2 O-O 6.Bg5 Na6 7.Qd2 e5 8.dxe5 dxe5
9.Qxd8 Rxd8 10.Nd5 Rd6 11.f3 Nxd5 12.cxd5 f6 13.Be3 Nb8 14.Rc1 c6 15.Bc4 Kh8
16.Bb3 b6 17.dxc6 Rxc6? 18.Bd5 Bb7 19.Bxc6 Nxc6 20.a3 f5 21.Ne2 Nd4 22.exf5
Nxe2 23.Kxe2 gxf5 24.Rc7 Ba6+ 25.Kf2 f4 26.Bc1 Rd8 27.Re1 Bf8 28.Rxa7??
{28.b4...was necessary. (P.C.)} Bc5+ 29.Be3 Bxe3+ 30.Rxe3 fxe3+ {30...Rd2= was
even better (P.C.).} 31.Kxe3 Bc4 32.Re7 Rd3+ 33.Ke4 Rd2 34.Rxe5 Rxb2 35.Kd4
Bg8 36.Re8 Rxg2 37.Rb8 Rb2 38.h4 Kg7 39.Ke5 b5 40.f4 Bc4 41.Rb7+ Bf7 42.h5 h6
43.f5 Re2+ 44.Kf4 Ra2 45.Ke5 {White offered a draw...(to general merriment all
round!) (P.C.)} Rxa3 46.f6+ Kf8 47.Rxb5 Re3+ 48.Kf4 Rh3 49.Rb8+ Be8 50.Kg4 Rh1
51.Ra8 Kf7 52.Ra7+ Kxf6 53.Ra6+?! {53. Rh7... was much better. (P.C.)} Kg7
54.Ra7+ Bf7 55.Rb7 Kf6 56.Rb6+ Be6+ 57.Kf4 Rxh5 58.Ra6 Rh4+ 59.Kg3 Rg4+ 60.Kf3
Rg7 61.Kf4 h5 62.Ra5 Rg4+ 63.Kf3 Bf5 64.Ra6+ Kg5 65.Ra5 h4 66.Ra1 Rg3+ 67.Kf2
Kf4 68.Ra4+ Be4 69.Rb4 Rg2+ 70.Kf1 h3 71.Ra4 Ke3 72.Ra3+ Bd3+ 73.Ke1 Rg1# 0-1
Barrow,Nigel (1933) vs Watson,James (1832)
Barrow Van Riel Shield | Bendigo | 21 May 2023
[Event "Barrow Van Riel Shield"]
[Site "Bendigo"]
[Date "2023.05.21"]
[White "Barrow,Nigel"]
[Black "Watson,James"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1933"]
[BlackElo "1832"]
[ECO "B30"]
[Opening "Sicilian: 2...Nc6 3.Nc3 g6"]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 g6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Be2 O-O 8.O-O d5
9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxd5 Qxd5 11.Bf3 Qa5 12.Nxc6 bxc6 13.c3 Rb8 14.b4 Qa3 15.Qb3
Qxb3 16.axb3 Bxc3 17.Rxa7 Bxb4 18.Bxc6 Be6 19.Ba4 Bd6 20.g3 Bxb3 21.Bxb3 Rxb3
22.Bh6 Rc8 23.Rd7 f6 24.Be3 Kf7 25.Ra1 Rc2 26.Raa7 Ke6 27.Rdb7 Rd3 28.Ra6 Kf5
29.Ra4 h5 30.Rb5+ Ke6 31.Re4+ Kf7 32.Rd4 Ra3 33.Rd2 Rc4 34.Rd4 Rcc3 35.Rb7 Ke6
36.Rb5 g5 37.h4 Be5 38.Rdb4 g4 39.Bd4 Rc1+ 40.Kg2 Bxd4 41.Rxd4 Raa1 42.Re4+
Kf7 {#R} 0-1