Harding, Ben (1380) vs Adinda Syahirah, Quinsha
Chess @ Noon - Premier (800+ Rating) | ? | 29 Aug 2020 | Round 5
[Event "Chess @ Noon - Premier (800+ Rating)"] [Site "?"] [Date "2020.08.29"] [Round "5.2"] [White "Harding, Ben"] [Black "Adinda Syahirah, Quinsha"] [Result "1-0"] [WhiteElo "1380"] [FEN "2r1r1k1/1R1q1ppp/3Bbn2/p1P5/8/2Q1PB2/5PPP/1R4K1 b - - 0 27"] {Quinsha had very little time left, but should still be thinking about looking at all checks and captures. White is a pawn up, but Black could have won their pawn back.} 1...Qa4 (1...Qxd6! 2.Qxf6 {White has to play this, or they just lose a piece} Qxc5 {White now has to draw back their queen and the position is level. Black isn't threatening back rank mate, as White can block with their bishop}) 2.R7b5 {time forfeit Black Loss on Time} {#r} 1-0
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