Capell, Alastair (912) vs Brearley, Lachlan
ACC Junior Intermediate Chess - Interme | Plenty Road, Bundoora VIC, Au | 7 Oct 2020 | Round 5
[Event "ACC Junior Intermediate Chess - Interme"] [Site "Plenty Road, Bundoora VIC, Au"] [Date "2020.10.07"] [Round "5.1"] [White "Capell, Alastair"] [Black "Brearley, Lachlan"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "912"] [FEN "8/8/2p1k3/1p1pP1p1/pP1P2Pp/P4K2/8/8 w - - 0 57"] 1.Ke3 Ke7 (1...c5! {was a winning breakthrough. In pawn endgames it is better to have pawns further apart as the enemy king will have trouble stopping them.} 2.dxc5 (2.bxc5 b4 3.c6 (3.axb4 a3) (3.Kd3 bxa3 4.Kc2 h3) 3...bxa3 4.c7 Kd7 5.e6+ Kxc7 6.e7 Kd7) 2...d4+ 3.Kxd4 h3) 2.Kf3 {#d} 1/2-1/2
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