1001 Brilliant Ways vs to Checkmate
White to move. | ?
[Event " White to move."] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "1001 Brilliant Ways"] [Black "to Checkmate"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "2r1nr1k/pp1q1p1p/3bpp2/5P2/1P1Q4/P3P3/1B3P1P/R3K1R1 w Q - 0 1"] {First we look for all checks or captures. These are the best moves because they FORCE your opponent to reply in a certain way. Forcing moves limit your opponent's options.} 1.Qxf6+ {This allows your queen to be captured, but notice that Black can't move his king. White's rook on g1 covers all his escape squares. _MARK:g1?,e8->f6?,g1->g8!_} Nxf6 {Capturing the piece which is attacking - usually the best way out of check. But White has already anticipate this move...} (1...Ng7 {Blocking a check is usually a good move.} 2.Qxg7# {The queen is protected and it is checkmate. _MARK:b2->g7!_}) 2.Bxf6# {The bishop and rook work together to give checkmate. _MARK:f6?,g1?,f6->h8!,g1->g8!_} 1-0
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