1001 Brilliant Ways vs to Checkmate
White to move. | ?
[Event " White to move."] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "1001 Brilliant Ways"] [Black "to Checkmate"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "rnbqkbn1/ppppp3/7r/6pp/3P1p2/3BP1B1/PPP2PPP/RN1QK1NR w KQ - 0 1"] {Always look for the checks and captures. Moving Bg6 looks like a good check... _MARK:d3->g6!_} 1.Qxh5+ {Check and attacking through the "Weak Spot" (yellow f7 square). This lures the Black rook out of the way. _MARK:f7,h5?,h5->e8!_} (1.Bg6+ {If the black rook couldn't take you then it would be checkmate. That gives you an idea for the first move... _MARK:h6?,h6->g6!_}) 1...Rxh5 {Is the only move to get out of check - but it leaves the weak spot open again. _MARK:h6->h5!_} 2.Bg6# {After trying this on the first move and it not working out we found a way to lure Black's rook out of the way and now this move IS checkmate! _MARK:f7,d3->g6!_} 1-0
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