1001 Brilliant Ways vs to Checkmate
White to move. | ?
[Event " White to move."] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "1001 Brilliant Ways"] [Black "to Checkmate"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "6rr/p2b1pk1/1pn1p1p1/2qpPP2/3N2P1/2P1Q3/P2B2K1/2R4R w - - 0 1"] {First you need to look at all the "forcing moves" - anything to check or capture.} 1.Qh6+!! {Queen sacrifice is the winning move! But you have to be able to see two steps ahead.} (1.f6+? {A mistake - now Black's king can escape. _MARK:g7->f8?_} Kf8 {_MARK:f8->e8?_}) 1...Rxh6 {This was Black's only option.} 2.Bxh6+ {And now Black is in check again and only has two choices - both of them to move his king to the h-file. _MARK:g7->h8,g7->h7_} Kh7 {From here you notice that it would be check; IF the bishop wasn't there. _MARK:h1!,h1->h6!_} 3.Bf8# {After this clever move it is checkmate... Black cannot take the attacking piece, can't block and can't run-away. The bishop covers the black squares and the rook covers the h-file. _MARK:f8,g7,h6,h1!,h1->h7!_} 1-0
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