Gonzalez, Lucas vs Marple, David
Junior Joust 2021 Spring 5 | Temecula | 12 Jun 2021 | Round 1
[Event "Junior Joust 2021 Spring 5"] [Site "Temecula"] [Date "2021.06.12"] [Round "1.3"] [White "Gonzalez, Lucas"] [Black "Marple, David"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C55"] [Opening "Two Knights Defence"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 {The Two Knights Defense.} 4. O-O Bc5 (4... Nxe4 5. Re1 d5 6. Bb5 Bc5 { -+ (-1.83/30 S11)}) 5. Ng5 O-O 6. Nc3 h6 7. d3 $2 {Hanging a Knight.} hxg5 8. Bxg5 Nh7 $4 {Hanging the Queen.} 9. Bxd8 Rxd8 10. Re1 {The Rook doesn't seem well placed on e1. Better probably to move the King and aim for f2-f4 if you want to activate the Rook.} (10. Qh5) (10. Nd5 {Both look good. Be aggresive.}) 10... Nf6 11. Re3 $2 {Lifting the Rook aiming for Rf3-h3 makes sense but it loses the exchange here.} Bxe3 12. fxe3 g6 13. Qf3 Kg7 14. Qh3 Rh8 (14... d5 { Is a discovered attack on the Queen, and it attacks the Bishop on c4.}) 15. Qg3 Rh7 (15... Ne8 16. Rf1 f6 17. Nd5 d6 18. Qf3 Rf8 {Three attackers and three defenders.}) 16. Rf1 d6 17. Qf3 {The Knight is lost, or if it moves the f7 pawn will be lost with check.} Kg8 18. Qxf6 Be6 19. Ne2 ({White is way up on material and welcomes trades, especially when they win the e6-pawn.} 19. Bxe6 fxe6 20. Qxe6+ {and} Kg7 {allows} 21. Rf7+ Kh6 (21... Kh8 22. Qf6+ Kg8 23. Qxg6+ Rg7 24. Qxg7#) 22. Qh3+ Kg5 23. Qg3+ Kh6 24. Qh4#) 19... Bxc4 20. dxc4 Na5 {A Knight on the rim is dim. Also, going after this c4 pawn is less important than brinnging the QR into play.} 21. b3 Rf8 22. Qe7 f6 23. Qe6+ Rhf7 24. a3 (24. Rxf6 {The Rook on f7 is pinned.}) 24... Kg7 25. b4 Nc6 26. b5 Nd8 { White has chased the Black Knight back into play where it helps defend the Black King.} 27. Qh3 Rh8 28. Qg4 g5 {This makes a hole at f5 which can be occupied by the White Knight after Ne2-g3-f5, or by the Queen.} 29. Rf3 Rh4 30. Qf5 Rf8 31. Nc3 Rh6 32. Nd5 c6 33. Ne7 Kf7 34. Nc8 (34. Qxg5 {is possible.}) ( 34. Qd7 {sets up a discovered attack.}) 34... Kg7 35. Qd7+ Nf7 36. Nxd6 Kg6 37. Nxf7 (37. Qe7 Kg7 38. Nf5+ {forking} Kg8 39. Nxh6+ Nxh6 40. Rh3 Nf7 41. Qxf6 Rd8 42. Qg6+ Kf8 43. Rh7 Rd1+ 44. Kf2 Rd2+ 45. Ke1 Rd7 46. Qg7+ Ke8 47. Qg8+ Ke7 48. Qxf7+ Kd6 49. Qxd7+ {+-}) 37... Rxf7 38. Qf5+ Kg7 39. bxc6 bxc6 40. Qe6 Kg6 41. Qxc6 Rh4 42. Qe6 Rxe4 $2 {Hangs a Rook} 43. Qf5+ Kg7 44. Qxe4 Kf8 45. c5 Ke7 46. c6 Kd8 47. Qd5+ Kc8 48. Qxf7 f5 49. Rh3 f4 50. Rh8# 1-0
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