King + Knight + Knight vs King
EndGames | | 4 Jan 2015
[Event "EndGames"] [Site ""] [Date "2015.01.04"] [Round "0"] [White "King + Knight + Knight"] [Black "King"] [FEN "7k/8/8/8/8/8/4N3/4KN2 w - - 0 1"] 1.Kf2 Kg7 2.Kf3 Kf6 3.Kf4 Ke6 4.Ne3 Kd6 5.Nc3 Kc6 6.Ke4 Kb7 { Catch me, if you can!! } 7.Kd5 Ka8 8.Kc6 Kb8 9.Nc4 Ka8 10.Nd5 Kb8 11.Nd6 Ka7 12.Nc7 Kb8 13.Ndb5 Kc8 14.Nd5 Kb8 15.Nd6 Ka8 16.Kc7 Ka7 17.Nb5+ { Now Black'e eyes must lit up so bright that he would n't miss a mate in one that he could walkinto! } Ka6 { If } (17...Ka8 18.Nb6# { Checkmate!! Good game!! Thanks! See you later! }) 18.Nbc3 { You can still see the 'wall' but it can absolutely do nothing...It is a dead draw! Well! Almost! What if another pawn is involved in this position...Even if it is a Black pawn, it will only increase the winning chances for White..Well...It also depends where exactly the pawn is situated..Please consult your chess tutor and request further info. In any case, do not forget that a single knight can not force mate. And two knights can not force mate unless your opponent makes a serious mistake. Try to make use of these facts when you deside to liquidate a position and head for endgame. } *
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