Tringov vs Baretic
K+R+6P vs K+R+5P | | 1 Jan 1979
[Event "K+R+6P vs K+R+5P"] [Site ""] [Date "1979.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Tringov"] [Black "Baretic"] [Result "1-0"] [EventType "game"] [EventCountry "YUG"] [FEN "6k1/1r5p/ppR3p1/5p2/8/2P2KPP/PP3P2/8 w - - 0 1"] [ECO "A00"] [Opening "Kadas Opening"] { White has the advantage both materially (extra pawn) and positionally (active rook and king). All necessary qualities for a win are present. The realization is instructive: } 1.h4 Kf7 2.h5 g5 { Black does not win a pawn with 2...gxh5, because after 3.Kf4 White not only regains the sacrificed material, but also further activates his king. } (2...gxh5 3.Kf4) 3.b4 a5 4.a3 a4 { Better, but still not adequate, would have been 4...axb4. } (4...axb4) 5.g4! f4 6.Ke4 { Activating the king, in order to coordinate an attack with the rook. } Re7+ 7.Kf5 Re2 { Black makes his only try for active counterplay. } 8.Kxg5 Rxf2 9.Kh6 f3 10.g5 Ra2 11.Kxh7 {#r} 1-0
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