Rellstab vs Matanovic
K+R+5P vs K+R+5P | | 1 Jan 1955
[Event "K+R+5P vs K+R+5P"] [Site ""] [Date "1955.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Rellstab"] [Black "Matanovic"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "team"] [EventCountry "GER"] [FEN "8/5ppp/8/2k1p3/r1p1P3/P1R4P/3K1PP1/8 b - - 0 1"] 1...Kd4 2.Re3 g6 3.g4 Ra6 { Having more space, Black has the greater opportunity for maneuvering. } 4.Rf3 Ra7 5.Re3 h6 6.h4 Ra6 7.Rf3 Ra7 8.Re3 g5 9.h5 { Opening another file is hardly in White's favor. The text may make possible later counterplay against the h6-pawn. } Ra6 10.Rf3 Kxe4 11.Rxf7 Rxa3 12.Rf6 Rf3 13.Rxh6 Rxf2+ 14.Kc3 Rg2 15.Rc6 Rg3+! 16.Kb4! { Not 16. Kxc4? Rxg4 and wins. Now the g4-pawn is temporary defended indirectly (16... Rxg4?? 17.Rxc4+ Kf5 18.Rxg4 Kxg4 19.h6 etc.), and White gains a few tempi. } (16.Kxc4? Rxg4 $19) 16...Kf4 (16...Rxg4?? 17.Rxc4+ Kf5 18.Rxg4 Kxg4 19.h6) 17.Rxc4+ e4 18.Rc1 Kf3! 19.Kc4 Rxg4 20.Rh1 { The familiar support of a passed pawn by a rook behind it. } Kg2 21.Re1 Kf2 22.Rh1 Rf4 23.h6 Rf8 24.h7 Rh8 25.Kd4 { According to Averbakh, White could have achieved a draw by 25. Rh2+ Kf3 26.Rh3+ Kf4 27.Kd4!, for example 27...g4 28.Rh6 g3 29.Rf6+ Kg4 30. Rg6+ Kf3 31.Rf6+ Ke2 32.Rg6 Kf2 33.Rf6+ Kg1 34.Rh6 g2 35.Kxe4=. However, this analysis is incorrect. Instead of 32...Kf2, Black wins by 32...Rxh7! 33.Rxg3 Kf2! 34.Ra3 (or 34.Re3 Rd7+!, or 34.Rg8 e3) 34...e3! 35.Rxe3 Rd7+ 36.Ke4 Re7+ and 37...Rxe3. } (25.Rh2+ Kf3 26.Rh3+ Kf4 27.Kd4! g4 28.Rh6 g3 29.Rf6+ Kg4 30.Rg6+ Kf3 31.Rf6+ Ke2 32.Rg6 Kf2 (32...Rxh7! 33.Rxg3 Kf2! 34.Ra3 (34.Re3 Rd7+!) (34.Rg8 e3) 34...e3! 35.Rxe3 Rd7+ 36.Ke4 Re7+ $19) 33.Rf6+ Kg1 34.Rh6 g2 35.Kxe4 $11) 25...e3 26.Rh2+ Kf3 27.Rh3+ Kg2 28.Rh5 e2 { White's position is already lost. } 29.Rxg5+ Kf1 30.Rf5+ Ke1 31.Kc3 { Or 31.Rf7 Kd1-+. } (31.Rf7 Kd1 $19) 31...Rxh7 32.Kc2 Rc7+ 33.Kb2 Kd2 34.Rd5+ Ke3 35.Re5+ Kf3 36.Rf5+ Ke4 37.Rf8 Re7 {#R} 0-1
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