Marshall vs Chigorin
K+R+5P vs K+R+5P | | 1 Jan 1905
[Event "K+R+5P vs K+R+5P"] [Site ""] [Date "1905.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Marshall"] [Black "Chigorin"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "game"] [EventCountry "GER"] [FEN "8/5kpp/p4p2/1p6/2rP1P2/P3K1P1/1R5P/8 b - - 0 1"] { Black has several advantages: a queenside pawn majority, control of the open c-file, and the weakness of White's a- and d-pawns. } 1...Ke6! { Excellent! Black rejects 1...Rc3+ 2.Ke4 Rxa3 even though this wins a pawn and creates two connected passed pawns, because White, by coordinating the efforts of his king, rook and passed d-pawn, would organize strong counterplay. It is doubtful that Black could win in this line. After the text Black does seriously threaten 2... Rc3+, because if then 3.Ke4?? f5 mate! } (1...Rc3+ 2.Ke4 Rxa3) 2.Rb3 Kd5 3.Rd3 f5! { White is in zugzwang. After exhausting his pawn moves, White is forced to lose a pawn. } 4.h3 h5 5.Ke2 { Or 5.Rd2 (5.h4 g6 makes no difference) 5...Rc3+ 6.Rd3 Rxd3+ 7.Kxd3 a5 with an easily won pawn endgame because of Black's outside passed pawn. } (5.Rd2 Rc3+ 6.Rd3 Rxd3+ 7.Kxd3 a5 $19) (5.h4 g6) 5...Rxd4 6.Rc3 Re4+ 7.Kd2 { After 7.Kf3 Black's queenside pawns decide the game quickly because White's king is cut off. } h4 8.Rc7 hxg3 9.Rxg7 Rxf4 10.Rxg3 Ke5 11.Ke2 Rc4 12.Rg6 Ra4 13.Rg3 f4 14.Rb3 Rc4 15.Kd1 { If 15.h4 this pawn will perish quickly. White's situation is hopeless. } Ke4 16.h4 f3 17.Ke1 Kf4 18.h5 Rc1+ 19.Kf2 Rc2+ 20.Ke1 Kg3 21.h6 Re2+ 22.Kd1 Rh2 23.a4 b4 24.h7 Rxh7 25.Rxb4 Rh1+ 26.Kd2 f2 27.Rb8 f1=Q { This classic endgame combines almost all methods for realization of positional advantage. } {#R} 0-1
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