Blackburne vs Lasker
K+R vs K+R+2P | | 1 Jan 1914
[Event "K+R vs K+R+2P"] [Site ""] [Date "1914.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Blackburne"] [Black "Lasker"] [Result "0-1"] [EventType "swiss"] [EventCountry "RUS"] [FEN "8/6pk/2R4p/8/8/1r6/6K1/8 b - - 0 1"] { Here is a classical example of a win with rook- and knight-pawn. } 1...h5 2.Ra6 g6 { Black's king advances using the pawns as a shelter. } 3.Ra4 Kh6 4.Rc4 Rb5! { The direct 4...g5 leads to a draw by 5.Rc6+ Kg7 6.Rc5 Kf6 7.Rc6+ Ke5 8. Rc5+ Kf4 9.Rc4+ Ke3 10.Rc5, and due to a lack of shelter, Black must either accept perpetual check, or sacrifice one of the pawns. } (4...g5 5.Rc6+ Kg7 6.Rc5 Kf6 7.Rc6+ Ke5 8.Rc5+ Kf4 9.Rc4+ Ke3 10.Rc5 $11) 5.Kg3 Kg5 6.Rc3 { Similar is 6.Ra4 h4+! 7.Kg2 (7.Rxh4? Rb3+ and Black wins) 7...Kh5 and so on. } (6.Ra4 h4+! 7.Kg2 (7.Rxh4?? Rb3+ $19) 7...Kh5 $19) 6...h4+ 7.Kh3 Kh5 8.Rc4 Rb3+ 9.Kh2 g5 10.Ra4 Rb2+! 11.Kh1 (11.Kh3 g4+! 12.Rxg4 Rb3+ $19) 11...h3 12.Rc4 g4 13.Kg1 g3! { Here again, not 13...h2? 14.Kh1 g3 (14... Kh4 15.Rxg4+ =) 15.Rh4! Kg5 16.Rg4+! and draw. } (13...h2+? 14.Kh1 g3 (14...Kh4 15.Rxg4+ $11) 15.Rh4+! Kg5 16.Rg4+ $11) 14.Rc5+ Kg6 15.Rc1 Kf5 16.Ra1 Rd2 { The correct plan is for Black's king to advance to e2, and then exchange the rooks. } 17.Re1 Kf4 18.Ra1 Ke3 19.Ra3+ Rd3 20.Ra1 Ke2 {#R} 0-1
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