Flohr vs Szabo
K+R+2P (connected) vs K+R+P | www.masterchessopen.com | 1 Jan 1950
[Event "K+R+2P (connected) vs K+R+P"] [Site "www.masterchessopen.com"] [Date "1950.01.01"] [Round "0"] [White "Flohr"] [Black "Szabo"] [Result "1-0"] [EventType "game"] [EventCountry "HUN"] [FEN "8/2R5/1p6/3r1k2/8/8/PPK5/8 b - - 0 1"] { The defender's task is very difficult (or impossible) also when the king is cut off from the pawns. This is an excellent example. } 1...Ra5 2.a3 Ke5 3.Rd7! { Black's king is cut off at a maximum distance from the pawns. } Ke6 4.Rd2 Rh5 5.Kb3 { White's plan is to attack the black pawn, and if he cannot capture it, exchange it for one of his own. This creates a winning rook-and-pawn-versus-rook ending, with the opponent's king cut off. } Rh4 6.Rd8 Ke7 7.Rd5 Rg4 8.Kc3 Rh4 9.b3 Rg4 10.Rd4 Rg3+ 11.Kc4 Rg5 12.Rd5 Rg4+ 13.Kb5 Rg3 14.b4 Rg6 (14...Rxa3 15.Kxb6 $18) 15.Ka6 Rh6 16.b5 {#r} 1-0
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