Timman vs Kasparov
[Event "Tilburg"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Timman"] [Black "Kasparov"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E60"] [Opening "King's Indian: Fianchetto"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nf3 Bg7 4. g3 { The kingside fianchetto is a popular plan for White against the King's Indian.} 4... O-O 5. Bg2 d6 6. O-O Nbd7 7. Nc3 e5 8. Qc2 { This is a somewhat passive plan.} 8... c6 9. Rd1 Qe7 {This is a good move, because Black's future plans involve the e-file, which will play an important role to the very end of the game.} 10. b3 exd4 11. Nxd4 Re8 12. Bb2 Nc5 { I am going to control e4 forever!} 13. e3 a5 {This is an important move, and is typical of such formations. Now the knight cannot be dislodged by an advance of the b-pawn to b4.} 14. a3 { White takes measures to remedy the situation. But this costs precious time.} 14... h5 {White works on the queenside, I can now take action on the kingside because I control the center.} 15. b4 Nce4 16. b5 Bd7 17. Rac1 h4 18. a4 { White has eyes only for the queenside. Timman should have captured at e4, trading the ineffective knight at c3 for my attacking piece. He will soon regret letting me use both ofmyknights!} 18... hxg3 19. hxg3 {White's pieces are not well posted for defense. Black is in a position to sacrifice now, primarily thanks to the control of the center.} 19... Nxf2 20. Qxf2 Ng4 21. Qf3 Nxe3 { I have just two pawns for the knight, but the e-file is a highway to victory.} 22. Re1 Bxd4 23. Nd5 {This is an impressive attempt to get out of danger. If I take the knight then Timman would grab my bishop at d4, with horrible consequences for me. But I up the ante by offering my queen for a strong attack.} 23... Ng4+ 24. Bxd4 Qxe1+ 25. Rxe1 Rxe1+ 26. Bf1 { White has a material advantage, but that soon dissipates.} 26... cxd5 27. Qxd5 Rae8 28. Bf2 Be6 29. Qxb7 Rc1 {The two rooks are more useful than the queen. White's queenside pawns have no way of advancing and the rooks will soon be joined together in a mighty attacking force.} 30. Qc6 Rc8 31. Qe4 R8xc4 32. Qa8+ Kh7 33. b6 Rb4 34. Qxa5 Rbb1 {Now it is all over.} 35. Kg2 Rc2 0-1
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OpeningE60 — King's Indian: Fianchetto