Lasker vs Janowsky
[Event "?"] [Site "?"] [Round "0"] [White "Lasker"] [Black "Janowsky"] [Result "0-1"] [FEN "6k1/2p4q/p1Pp1r2/1p1PpP1p/1P1n4/3R2PQ/P7/3R3K w - - 0 1"] {A pawn and a strong Knight position for the Exchagne A Knight in the middle of the board protected by a pawn and out of range of any enemy pawn, is stronger than a Bishop and nearly as strong as a Rook (Dr. Tarrasch). Here Black can soon win the f-pawn, while the d-pawn is also a weakling. All this combined outweighs the Exchange, as the sequence shows.} 1. Rf1 Qf7 { Black's best policy is to keep the Queens on the board.} (1... Nxf5 2. Rdf3) ( 1... Rxf5 2. Rxf5 Nxf5 (2... Qxf5 3. Qxf5 Nxf5 4. Rf3 Nd4 5. Rf6 Kg7 6. Rxd6 cxd6 7. c7) 3. Rf3) 2. Qg2 $2 (2. Kh2 Qxd5 3. Qxh5) 2... Rxf5 3. Rxf5 Qxf5 4. Re3 {costs another pawn, but White has no good continuations} (4. Ra3 e4 5. Rxa6 e3 6. Ra3 e2 $19) (4. Rd1 Nf3 5. Rf1 e4 $17) 4... Qb1+ 5. Kh2 Qxb4 6. g4 h4 {Black's program reads: push on with the Queenside pawns, but don't let the opponent become active} 7. Kh3 (7. Rh3 Qe1) 7... Qc4 8. Qe4 (8. Kxh4 Nf5+) 8... Kg7 9. Kxh4 Qf1 $1 { Before he can bring the Queenside pawns forawrd Black must prevent Kg5.} 10. a3 (10. Kg5 Qf6+ 11. Kh5 Qh6#) 10... a5 11. Kg3 Qg1+ $1 (11... -- 12. Re1 Qc4 13. Rh1 $132) 12. Kh3 (12. Kh4 Qf2+ 13. Rg3 Ne2) 12... Qf2 {Imobolizes the Rook} 13. g5 (13. Rc3 Ne2) (13. Re1 Nf3) 13... b4 14. axb4 axb4 15. Kg4 Qg1+ (15... b3 16. Rh3 Qg1+ 17. Rg3 Qd1+ 18. Kh4 {blocking the h-file}) 16. Kh5 Qh2+ 17. Kg4 b3 18. Re1 Qc2 19. Kh5 (19. Qxc2 bxc2 20. Rc1 Kg6 21. Kh4 e4 22. Kg4 e3 $19 ) 19... Qxe4 20. Rxe4 Nc2 $1 { Thanks to this fine move, Black ensures that his opponent cannot stop the pawn} 21. Rxe5 (21. Rh4 b2 22. Rh1 Na3) 21... b2 (21... dxe5 22. d6 b2 23. dxc7 b1=Q 24. c8=Q Qh1+ 25. Kg4 Ne3+ 26. Kg3 Qg2+ 27. Kh4 Qf2+ 28. Kh3 Qf3+ 29. Kh4 Ng2#) 22. Re7+ Kf8 23. Rxc7 b1=Q 24. Rc8+ Ke7 25. Rc7+ Kd8 26. Rd7+ Ke8 27. Rxd6 Nd4 0-1
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