Stahlberg vs Taimanov
[Event "Zuerich"] [Site "Zuerich"] [Round "0"] [White "Stahlberg"] [Black "Taimanov"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E15"] [Opening "Queen's Indian: 4.g3"] {Black finds an unusual way of conquering the c-file} 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. Qa4 Be7 6. Bg2 O-O 7. Nc3 c6 8. Ne5 Qe8 {This serves not only to defend the c-pawn, but also to prepare ... Pb5 and so to open the c-file} 9. O-O d5 10. Re1 $2 (10. cxd5 {White should have opened the c-file. Now he is forced into a disadvantageous position}) 10... b5 11. cxb5 cxb5 12. Qd1 b4 13. Nb1 (13. Na4 Bb5 14. Nc5 $132) 13... Nc6 14. Nxc6 $2 { Now Black holds all the trumps} (14. Bf4) (14. Nf3) 14... Qxc6 15. Nd2 Qb6 { Attacking the d-pawn, forcing White to forgo his intended Pe4} (15... Rac8 16. e4 Qc2 $2 17. Qxc2 Rxc2 18. exd5) 16. e3 (16. Nf3 Rac8 (16... Ne4 17. Bf4 Rac8 {strong pressure in the c-file}) 17. Bg5 Rc4) 16... Rac8 17. Bf1 Rc6 18. Bxa6 Qxa6 19. Nf3 Rfc8 20. Qb3 Ne4 21. Nd2 {White offers two minor pieces for a Rook, intending thereby to get full possession of the c-file for himself} (21. Bd2 Rc2 22. Rad1 (22. Red1 Qe2) 22... Qc4 $1 {Complete loss for White}) 21... Rc2 $1 (21... Rxc1 22. Rexc1 Nxd2 23. Rxc8+ Qxc8 24. Qd1 { White obtains some drawing chances}) 22. Nxe4 dxe4 23. a3 h5 $1 {Now that Black complete control of the c-file, it is a good idea to take the initiative on another front} 24. d5 R8c4 25. Rd1 { Offering a pawn in order to complete his development.} (25. dxe6 Qxe6 26. -- Rxc1 27. Raxc1 Rxc1) 25... exd5 26. Bd2 Qf6 27. Rab1 h4 28. Qa4 Qf5 $1 { Prevents the White Queen from hurrying across to the threatened Kingside via d7 } 29. Qxa7 Bf8 30. Qb8 g5 31. gxh4 gxh4 32. Qf4 {leads to a lossed ending} (32. Be1 d4 33. Rxd4 Rxd4 34. exd4 e3 $1) 32... Qxf4 33. exf4 d4 34. b3 Rc6 35. axb4 f5 36. h3 Ra6 37. Rbc1 Rxc1 38. Rxc1 Ra2 39. Be1 Rb2 40. Kg2 Rxb3 41. Rc8 Rb1 42. Bd2 e3 0-1
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OpeningE15 — Queen's Indian: 4.g3