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41Hikaru Nakamura2699Uriel Capo Vidal23361-074 ≣D31Gibtelcom30 Jan 2009
25Daniel RoosMatthias Thesing1-051 ≣D31Bundesliga 1998/9...
33Boris AltermanAleksi Reunanen½-½56 ≣D31ICC Simul04 Oct 2004
17Attila GroszpeterZsuzsa Polgar½-½81 ≣D20Ch Hungary, Budap...
39Thomas Henrichs2485Robert Ris2417½-½52 ≣D15Euro Club Cup20 Oct 2008
43Wang Yue2739Viswanathan Anand2791½-½85 ≣D12Amber Tournament ...26 Mar 2009
49Svetlana Cheredni...2260Marcin Sieciechowicz24460-168 ≣D04European Rapid Ch...18 Dec 2010
46Mari Joseph Turqueza2087Edgar Reggie Olay2304½-½108 ≣D029th Asian Contine...28 Apr 2010
32Mieczyslaw Bakalarz2389Suat Atalik25410-162 ≣D0236th Olympiad23 Oct 2004