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Top Grand Master Games with win and Games from 2000 in rating: 6. February to 13. February 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

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26Souza Neves, A.2218Jatoba de Oliveir...23970-164 ≣E6083rd ch-BRA 201706 Feb 2017
67El Debs, F.2523Souza Neves, A.22180-149 ≣B3183rd ch-BRA 201707 Feb 2017
114Souza Neves, A.2218Matsuura, E.24800-132 ≣D0283rd ch-BRA 201708 Feb 2017
154Macedo, M.2366Souza Neves, A.22181-053 ≣E3283rd ch-BRA 201709 Feb 2017
159Souza Neves, A.2218Nogueira, I.23080-142 ≣A4683rd ch-BRA 201709 Feb 2017
235Mekhitarian, K.2561Souza Neves, A.22181-025 ≣B3383rd ch-BRA 201710 Feb 2017
372Carneiro, V.2426Souza Neves, A.22181-024 ≣A0483rd ch-BRA 201711 Feb 2017
366Souza Neves, A.2218De Paula, R.23221-060 ≣A8083rd ch-BRA 201711 Feb 2017
724Souza Neves, A.2218Fier, A.25810-140 ≣A6083rd ch-BRA 201712 Feb 2017
857Souza Neves, A.2218Quintiliano Pinto...24910-130 ≣D3083rd ch-BRA 201713 Feb 2017