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46Barkell, K.1728Bartell, F.18531-045 ≣C26TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
37Bartell, F.1853Mabry, W.13191-047 ≣C01TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
2Binnley DaveBuckendorf Glen (ID)1-029 ≣C00Memorial P.Keres
15Buckendorf Glen (ID)Garnius½-½28 ≣C17Memorial Day Classic
1Buckendorf Glen (ID)Johnson Tyler1-036 ≣C70
3Buckendorf Glen (ID)Nishida½-½42 ≣C07Memorial P.Keres
20Buckendorf Glen (ID)Rambo Alan Gene (ID)0-147 ≣C70Memorial Walter Y...
86Hamilton, B.1713Lang, J.1474½-½58 ≣C70ICA Players Memorial24 Aug 2014
80Hosford, M.1967Roland, J.17181-031 ≣C44ICA Players Memorial23 Aug 2014
49Jiang, A.1344Porth, A.5751-064C44TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
67Jiang, N.1743Lang, J.14741-056 ≣C70ICA Players Memorial23 Aug 2014
47Jiang, R.540Mabry, W.13190-144 ≣C00TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
44Mabry, W.1319Taylor, S.11131-026C45TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
4MoldenBuckendorf Glen (ID)0-126 ≣C00Memorial P.Keres
70Nathan, J.1164Roland, J.17181-025 ≣C10ICA Players Memorial23 Aug 2014
54Porth, A.575Taylor, S.11130-18C44TC Hartwell Memorial28 May 2006
35Reynolds, G.1963Eacker, B.16351-043 ≣C00TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
45Reynolds, G.1963Taylor, D.1915½-½35 ≣C68TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006
89Roland, J.1718Siek, J.9591-023C70ICA Players Memorial24 Aug 2014
87Sanderson, K.1580Nathan, J.11641-047 ≣C60ICA Players Memorial24 Aug 2014
7Sherry DaveBuckendorf Glen (ID)½-½30 ≣C00Memorial P.Keres
97Siek, J.959Bailey, B.0-145C02ICA Players Memorial24 Aug 2014
51Taylor, D.1915Mabry, W.13191-028 ≣C02TC Hartwell Memorial28 May 2006
48Taylor, S.1113Eacker, B.16350-143 ≣C02TC Hartwell Memorial27 May 2006