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129Colin Leslie R (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)½-½45 ≣B06Western Idaho Open
134Buckendorf Glen (ID)Colin Leslie R (ID)1-035 ≣B70Western States Open
145Colin Leslie R (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)0-135 ≣B06Idaho Closed Cham...
219Buckendorf Glen (ID)Colin Leslie R (ID)0-131 ≣B70Idaho Class Champ...
257Buckendorf Glen (ID)Colin Leslie R (ID)0-126 ≣B70President's Cup E...
540Colin Leslie R (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)0-158 ≣B01Treasure Valley Open
647Buckendorf Glen (ID)Colin Leslie R (ID)1-037 ≣B70Idaho Closed Cham...
658Colin Leslie R (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)0-129 ≣B50National Open