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109Hartwell T C (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)½-½43 ≣A04Southern Idaho Open
142Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)0-125 ≣D04Idaho Closed Cham...
255Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)1-034 ≣C42President's Cup E...
336Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)1-032 ≣D03MVCC: Championship
515Hartwell T C (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)0-124 ≣A06MVCC: Championship
645Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)1-033 ≣C42Idaho Closed Cham...
712Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)½-½26 ≣B13Idaho Closed Cham...
721Hartwell T C (ID)Buckendorf Glen (ID)½-½9 ≣A04Idaho Open
726Buckendorf Glen (ID)Hartwell T C (ID)1-026 ≣D00MVCC: Championship