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Top Grand Master Games with win and Games from 2000 in rating: 21. February to 27. February 2017.

Guide Chess Table:

196 of the Games are with win within the first 30 moves. That involves some Opening Traps and errors in the Opening.

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435Antic, D.2471Giannoulakis, L.23281-043 ≣E903rd Vardaris Open...23 Feb 2017
681Kozul, Z.2616Barthel, A.21841-032 ≣E908th Pfalz Open 201725 Feb 2017
720Karavade, E.2418Paravyan, D.25250-140 ≣E90Aeroflot Open A 201726 Feb 2017
383Basencyan, M.2191Kathmale, S.23231-047 ≣E90Aeroflot Open B 201723 Feb 2017
562Valenzuela Gomez, F.2359Sanchez Sandoval, G.22561-034 ≣E90ch-CHI 201724 Feb 2017
722Postny, E.2601Hauge, L.24501-038 ≣E90Graz Open A 201726 Feb 2017
213Mihajlov, S.2384Sebenik, M.25340-137 ≣E90PRO League Group ...22 Feb 2017
300Sturt, R.2431Vovk, A.26331-037 ≣E90PRO League Group ...22 Feb 2017