Fine vs Shainswit
[Event "New York"] [Site "New York"] [Round "0"] [White "Fine"] [Black "Shainswit"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "4r3/1p4kp/p1n1qpp1/P2p4/5Q2/2B1P1P1/1P3P1P/3R2K1 w - - 0 1"] {Another sudden raid with pieces} 1. Rxd5 $3 {In itself this sacrifice is obvious enough, but over the board it is impossible to calculate that it leads to a forced win for White} 1... Qxd5 2. Qxf6+ Kh6 3. Qg7+ {White repeats moves to gain time on the clock. In practise a player has to contend not only with problems on the board, but also with his clock; that is to say he must keep an eye on how much time he has in hand} 3... Kg5 (3... Kh5 4. Qxh7+ (4. h3 $3 Ne5 5. Qxh7+ Kg5 6. f4+ Kf5 7. fxe5 Qd1+ 8. Kf2 Qc2+ 9. Ke1 $1 Qc1+ 10. Ke2 Qc2+ 11. Bd2) 4... Kg4 5. Qxg6+ Kf3 {Black's King slips away}) 4. Qf6+ Kh6 5. Qf4+ Qg5 (5... g5 {Fine, who declare d that the present combination was the deepest he ever made, gave the following lines} 6. Qf6+ Kh5 7. h3 $3 Re4 (7... Qe6 8. g4+ Kh4 9. Qf3 Qd6 10. Kg2 $1 $18) (7... g4 8. hxg4+ Kxg4 9. Qf4+ Kh5 10. g4+ Kh4 11. Bf6+ Kh3 12. Qg3#) 8. Qg7 $1 h6 9. g4+ Rxg4+ 10. hxg4+ Kxg4 11. Qxh6 $16 {White wins the ending, though it requires accurate play}) 6. Bg7+ Kh5 7. Qf3+ Qg4 8. Qd5+ Qf5 $2 (8... g5 9. Qf7#) (8... Ne5 9. Bxe5 Qf5 10. Qd1+ Kh6 11. Bc3 {White has a difficult task to convert his advantage into a win}) 9. Qd1+ Qg4 (9... Kg5 10. h4#) 10. f3 Qe6 11. g4+ Kg5 { Black's King tiptoes on the abyss} (11... Kh4 12. Qe1+ Kh3 13. Qg3#) 12. Kg2 $3 {A quiet move with deadly effect} 12... Qxe3 (12... h5 13. h4+ Kxh4 14. Qh1+ Kg5 15. f4+ Kxg4 16. Qh3#) 13. h4+ Kxh4 (13... Kf4 14. Bh6+ $18) 14. Qh1+ (14. Bf6+ g5 15. Qh1#) 1-0
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TournamentNew York
LocationNew York