Keres vs Euwe
[Event "06"]
[Site "?"]
[Round "0"]
[White "Keres"]
[Black "Euwe"]
[Result "1-0"]
[FEN "3q4/1kr3p1/1prp1p1p/p3pP2/P1P1P1PP/1P3Q2/4K2R/3R4 w - - 0 35"]
{In this position - a pendant to the previous game - Black has just played ...
Pf6. Clearly White will now maneuver for the pawn breakthrough with Pg5, but
first he seeks to position his pieces into their best locations to support the
breakthrough} 35. Rg2 Rc8 36. Rg3 Qd7 37. Qd3 Qf7 38. Rh1 Rh8 39. Rhh3 (39.
Rgh3 {expected}) 39... Rcc8 {indirectly defending the d-pawn} 40. g5 $5 { This
gives no clear result. From an objective point of view it would have been
better to continue manueverig for a more favourable opportunity with Rooks
doubled on theh-file} (40. Qxd6 Rhd8 41. Qa3 (41. Qe6 Qxe6 42. fxe6 Rd4 $132))
40... hxg5 41. hxg5 Qc7 42. Qd5+ Ka7 43. Rd3 Rxh3 $2 { allows White to achive
his goals} (43... fxg5 44. Rxh8 Rxh8 45. Qxd6 Qxd6 46. Rxd6 Rh4 47. Ke3 Rh3+
48. Kd2 {excellent drawing chances}) 44. Rxh3 fxg5 45. Rh7 Qe7 {preventing
Pf6} 46. Kf3 Rf8 47. Kg4 Rf7 { The strong position of the White King made Qe6
a serious threat} 48. b4 $1 { Opening a second front. This theme will be
cropping up continuallyinconnection with maneuvering. This new breakthrough
leads to a strong attack against the Black King} (48. Qe6 Qxe6 49. fxe6 Re7
50. Kf5 Rb7 { White has some problems making progress}) 48... axb4 49. a5 Qb7
{ Black attempts to keep the b-pawn in the hope of making counterchances with
it. } (49... bxa5 50. Qxa5+ Kb7 51. Qxb4+ Kc7 52. Qa5+ { The decisive entry of
the White Rook can't be prevented}) 50. axb6+ Kxb6 51. Qxd6+ Ka7 52. Qxe5 b3
53. Rh3 $1 Rf6 (53... b2 54. Ra3+) (53... -- 54. Qa5+ Kb8 55. Rh8+) 54. Qd4+
Rb6 (54... Qb6 55. Qd7+ Ka6 56. Qa4+ {the b-pawn falls}) 55. Rxb3 1-0
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